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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > At Last!

At Last!

We awoke to a soft and gentle rain that turned to a bit of
snow. As of a few minutes ago, it is not sticking but in
this awful drought, we rejoice in what moisture we can get.
Our lakes are going dry and boats are marooned in the mud.

I have added a few children to my home from school route.
Ashley's friend, McKenzie D. sometimes comes home with Ashley
and waits for her mother to get off work. They aren't nearly
as much fun as Adrienne and her friend, Dakota. Dakota just
lives a block from me. They are both very open with me and
I like hearing about what they are up to. I guess the
mid teens are my favorite age, difficult though they be.
They are struggling so hard to grow up but deep down are
really sweet and in need of affection. By the way, there
are so many McKenzies in elementary school that they have to
use the initial of their last name to differentiate among

I wonder why sur names have become such popular first names.
I was taught that when you marry you drop your middle name
and your maiden name becomes the middle name such as
Jane Brown Evans. I admit to being old fashioned about
some things like bare legs with dresses and dress shoes.
Not that it is important in the grand scheme of things.

Have a wonderful day!

posted on Feb 12, 2013 8:32 AM ()


I would NEVER want to keep my maiden name!!! Ha.
I think women give up enough when they marry, might as well keep their middle name.
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 14, 2013 7:55 AM ()
My daughter named her now 1 yr old daughter Olivia Grace. Old fashioned but still feminine, unlike old names such as Maud or Gertrude.
comment by steve on Feb 14, 2013 7:39 AM ()
How nice that you welcome these young girls into your home, and appreciate their unique qualities.
I admit to wearing dresses without stockings. Part of that was spending many years with practically NO money. Part of it was that being overweight made it hard to find any that fit right, even in the queen sizes. knee-highs never came up to my knee, or even close.
comment by maggiemae on Feb 13, 2013 9:06 AM ()
Garter belts and hose were easier. You are too young to remember hose with
seams. It was a battle to get them straight.
reply by elderjane on Feb 14, 2013 5:30 AM ()
I have a grand niece named Olivia and I absolutely love that name! I like that the 'old fashion' names are coming back. still not many Mary's out there though.
comment by elkhound on Feb 13, 2013 4:50 AM ()
I like old fashioned names too. My daughter named her girls Sara and
Laura and I think those are sweet names.
reply by elderjane on Feb 14, 2013 5:31 AM ()
Names have always been like that. There are so many Johns in a room of guys my age that we all turn when the name is mentioned. Then came the Jennifers, six in a class of 20-something I was told once. Then Kaitlyn with numerous spellings. Now 'Kenzies with numerous spellings. What's really interesting is when the old names come back. Emma. What's with that? Or Olivia.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 12, 2013 12:23 PM ()
I have always liked Emily and Susan. Mary was really popular when I was
young. I had friends named Mary Lee and Mary Sue and Mary Lou. I love
the name John and the name David for men, Bobby was a jr. and also named
after my Dad's brother.
reply by elderjane on Feb 14, 2013 5:34 AM ()
In the 60s and 70s where I came from, hose were a must with a dress, and gloves for church and the prom. I miss the gloves - they'd cover up how old my hands look. Same for the hose - they'd cover up some problems, too. It was probably a chore to have to have a hat in order to leave the house, but remember that old adage about buying a new hat to cheer a person up? Apparently replaced by chocolate or other comfort food.
comment by troutbend on Feb 12, 2013 11:50 AM ()
My mother never went out in anything but a hat and usually gloves. My Dad
always wore his cowboy boots and Stetson. Of course that is Oklahoma and
Texas dress up.
reply by elderjane on Feb 14, 2013 5:37 AM ()
Pants are a Godsend to those of us who don't like to struggle into
panty hose. I haven't worn a dress in I don't remember when but if I do,
it will be with tights or panty hose.
comment by elderjane on Feb 12, 2013 11:42 AM ()
It's nice the kids like to share with you. Obviously, they trust you and that is rare.

WWII changed the way we dressed -- yes it goes all that way back. Nylons were scarce, so bare legs were okay. Then came the London invasion and mini skirts were the rage and 250 pound teens wore them. We won't, it seems, ever be elegant again. Hats used to be mandatory for any special occasion. Few women wear them now, nor it would seem, men.
comment by tealstar on Feb 12, 2013 11:20 AM ()
Your reply is above. I think I am so excited that about the rain that I
forget all else.
reply by elderjane on Feb 12, 2013 11:44 AM ()

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