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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Not Much is Happening

Not Much is Happening

Not much is happening is the understatement of the year! We have isolated ourselves, only going out to the grocery store or to the physical therapist (me) or to get my blood checked because of taking warfarin. We are religiously wearing our masks. The private school behind our house is in session. This surprises me but I assume the parents are working and it also serves as a baby sitter convenience thing. I only see Julia outside when we walk our dogs in the open air while maintaining social distance and we visit Adam, a four pound poodle who adores Jose. It has been dreadfully hot here in the nineties. I was really fearful about the rally in Tulsa but it was not attended as well as expected and I have not heard yet how the protestors were treated. I watched about a minute of the rally, long enough to hear Trump scream that we are the party of Lincoln and the ensuing cheers. Tulsa is very accessible to the neighboring states of Kansas and Arkansas so I expect the virus to spread to those states because many members of the crowd were from there. . A neighbor gave me some succulents that I am trying to get started. The prettiest one is a hanging jade plant. she also gave me a kalancho that is nice and doing well. I have gotten one ripe tomato so far and it was delicious as the sun ripened ones always are. My squash is up and flourishing and the bugs have not found it yet. I hope it does well, it is one of my favorite vegetables. Wishing you all the best in this trying time.

posted on June 21, 2020 5:53 AM ()


Keep social distancing, wearing a mask and praying trump loses the election.
comment by janett on July 11, 2020 7:47 PM ()
Spring weather has been lovely here in Northwest Ohio, and I enjoyed my favorite season as much as I could, primarily from indoors. July, August, and summer heat is just around the corner, and I will be staying indoors for that as much as possible, as I can't tolerate such heat and humidity. I feel like a caterpillar in chrysalis, changing and staying safe, patiently waiting inside my hard shell home, awaiting some future time when I can break free --- and fly!
comment by marta on June 22, 2020 12:21 PM ()
We have forgone the simple pleasure of going to our favorite restaurant and having a cold drink and a meal. I miss friends and most of all my daughter and her family. We will fly again!!
reply by elderjane on June 23, 2020 5:48 AM ()
Adam is a funny name for a poodle, but I like that Jose has a devoted friend. It's always good to be cautious about virus; my oldest sister even before the virus would touch public doors and public faucets only with a paper towel. Another sister, however, is definitely not being careful enough even though she is also in medicine.
comment by drmaus on June 21, 2020 2:09 PM ()
Adam only weighs four pounds and looks terribly thin as does his owner. He is full of vim and vigor and always wants to play. Jose is fat and sedate but he allows Adam to take liberties with him and insists on a visit with him every night.
reply by elderjane on June 22, 2020 5:45 AM ()
So, I found it ridiculously amusing that Trump had set up overflow for attendees. Then the stadium only filled to about 1/3. Why? He was pranked by kiddos on Tik Tok who deserved tickets with zero intention of going.
The kids are alright.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 21, 2020 6:55 AM ()
There were empty seats at the top of the stadium and little outdoor participants. Power to the kids! We don't need more hate messages.
reply by elderjane on June 22, 2020 5:47 AM ()
Haven't read the follow up -- really only a third? He'll spin that, but will that work again?
reply by tealstar on June 21, 2020 10:18 AM ()
Same here, but my summer rental is booking up just about the same as usual, people who come every year, plus relatives of people who come every year. So I'll be busy cleaning with extra disinfecting between guests. I've always tried to have a buffer day between guests, so still doing that as much as possible - that's what the motel chains are telling their franchisees to do.

comment by traveltales on June 21, 2020 6:16 AM ()
Being outdoors in the fresh air is something that I crave. Your guests will be lucky and I hope you have plenty of time between them to rest up a little.
reply by elderjane on June 22, 2020 5:50 AM ()

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