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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Displacement


I am so angry and upset over the present administrations huge failures that I am not even going to discuss that. It keeps me too angry. Instead, I am going to discuss wanton waste as it is shown on tv. HGTV is one of my favorite channels to watch because ted and I flipped houses for a time. It was fun, Ted did beautiful work and our houses sold very well. Several the first time they were shown. The show I am talking about rips up beautiful things to install what is currently popular. The guy can't keep his hands off his wife who wants to turn everything into a cookie cutter house. Nothing is sacred unless it is so ardhaic that she thinks it is adorable like old fashioned cabinets. I watched them tear out beautiful landscaping, cut up pristine white carpet and rip the mantel off of the fire place before turning it off in disgust. They seem to specialize in re doing little pokey houses and investing about one hundred thousand dollars in them. They are still two bedroom houses. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. Then there are the reality shows which we all know are junk and posed, rehearsed and contrived. Ted is a fan of the car shows where they take some old wreck and revive it after spending at least fifty thousand dollars on it. I may be a philistine but I prefer new cars. So what does one do? I am currently re-reading Ann Tyler's books and plowing through The Age of Reason. I walk Jose twice a day and our morning walks are peaceful and calm. It is nice to be out early in the morning. We go about seven and it is beautiful at that time of day. Most of the big dogs have been walked by then because he is apt to challenge pit bulls and german shephards. He evidently thinks he is macho big stuff!!

posted on June 3, 2020 4:23 AM ()


Give me a good murder mystery or science fiction movie and I'm a happy camper. I refinished a spinning wheel last year. I should blog about that.
comment by janett on July 11, 2020 7:51 PM ()
I'm sure I would hate that show too, it's so sad to see lovely old details removed to put up very modern building. I'd far rather see shows restoring antique buildings.
comment by drmaus on June 3, 2020 4:29 PM ()
So many decorating things are fads and disappear quickly. I like restoration shows better. I am forced to watch tv because I can only get two to four books, curbside, at the library. I had forgotten how funny Ann Tyler's characters are in such a pathetic way and I love re-reading them. So does everyone else evidently.
reply by elderjane on June 4, 2020 2:56 AM ()
My favorites are Love it or List it and the Chip and Joanna Gaines show. Haven't seen them for a while. I like to see the end result. Currently watching every single re-run of the Law & Order Franchise and its spin-off Special Victims. I never get tired of it. Other than thatit's MSNBC non-stop.
comment by tealstar on June 3, 2020 11:15 AM ()
I have never watched Law and Order guess I will have to try it. Ted yells at the people on Naked and Afraid so it is no fun to watch anymore, of course they are stupid otherwise they wouldn't be on that show.
reply by elderjane on June 4, 2020 2:59 AM ()
Sad to say, the only thing I watch on TV that isn't news or Judge Judy is 90 Day (insert bullshit). Naturally they pick the most dysfunctional couples they can find and that's basically where the fun is. A fb friend who I knew from the old days in Middle Village PMed me before: I'm sick of the current situation, got any garden pictures to share? I'll tag him in a video I just took on the way home from bloodwork and the store.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 3, 2020 10:42 AM ()
I can't share garden pictures because I don't know how, but I do have 3 squash plants up and one huge green tomato. I couldn't get the varieties that I wanted so I will have to see. I wanted Early Girl tomatoes and crooked neck yellow squash but couldn't get either one. I just took what they had and hoped for bounty. The woman next door does a lot of container gardening.
reply by elderjane on June 4, 2020 3:03 AM ()
I like HGTV as well - and disagree with some of them too.
I’ve recently become addicted to Game Show Network. It’s like all day trivia and I enjoy it. Also kid friendly which is a bonus. Well, aside from Family Feud of course
Take care my friend.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 3, 2020 7:49 AM ()
we are being careful. I walk little fat Jose twice a day and it kills me to restrict his food. He is a late night eater like Mama. I provided some money to have this adorable little poodle groomed. His human mother is so old, (well probably no older than me) and her daughter has charge of all her money and won't cough it up. This little white poodle is three and matted to the skin. Jose loves him and we visit him every day.
reply by elderjane on June 4, 2020 3:09 AM ()
For the time being I've lost interest in the home improvement shows. One of my favorites was on the DIY Channel where the homeowners did all the improving - they had a budget, there was no 'host' egging them on, and they didn't always get the job done, but it was fun watching them try. I'll never forget the one where they kept misplacing the tape measure and buying new ones.
comment by traveltales on June 3, 2020 5:45 AM ()
I like to see things repurposed and not thrown out. That makes the DIY
shows better. Remember how years ago dining rooms were out? Then there was no place for family dinners except in the kitchen with dirty pots and pans. I had to be 80 before I could have one and it has been such a great asset to me because I like eating with friends and family and being comfortable.
reply by elderjane on June 4, 2020 3:14 AM ()

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