I have a large ripe tomato on the plant that I have protected from hail and cold. It was worth it because
there is nothing like biting into a luscious tomato that
has ripened in the sun.
I grew up with a mother who took great pride in her
vegetable garden. We canned all summer long and even
made a vegetable soup and canned it. I was shaped by the
Southern women in our family and from them I get my
love of home grown vegetables and fancy desserts.
I worked in the yard yesterday, trimming holly and bushes.
The long summer evenings are such a delight to me.
Rex loves to have me working in the yard when it gets cool.
He is my constant companion. Rex is such a good dog in
so many ways but needs obedience training so that I can
walk him. As it is, it takes a very strong man to tackle
it because he is very strong and knows how to get out of
a leash or harness. Mike walked him when he was here
but Rex managed to thwart his efforts too. One time
he got loose from me and I had to chase him about
a mile. That was my last venture and I refuse to
try any more.