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Southwestern Woman

Fashion & Style > Fashionistas


A trend that I most hate in high fashion is bare legs. It
looks trashy to me. I think it only looks right with pants
and sandals and all wrong with dresses and pumps. Sure panty
hose are a mess and a tribulation but we are the stronger
sex who suffers through ear rings, belts and other tribulations.

Two of my grand daughters really know how to put it all
together. The other two are clueless and could care less but
Ashley and Laura have had the knack since first grade. I am
constantly amazed by Ashley. She was longing for cold weather
so she could wear her jeggins,vest and sweater that she had
picked out. She is willing to go shopping with you anytime.
True to form the Jeggins outfit was adorable.

I have reached one of those beastly plateaus in weight loss.
I have swept Ted along with me on the diet because he needs to
lose too for the sake of his back. He has some pain now but
not the incessant nerve pain that was driving him insane. If
you have never experienced it, there is no way to dull it because pain pills don't work. We go to the chiropractor
every day now for a treatment so that he will be able to
enjoy our cruise.

The attire is supposed to be Country Club Casual which
I take to mean silk pants for day wear. The kicker is no
sandals in the dining room and I love my kitten heel thong
sandals. I am packed but my problem is closing the suitcases. It will all work out I am sure. Can't wait!

posted on Oct 25, 2011 5:57 AM ()


I know I definitely need to dress better. I wear the same old clothes, no make-up or jewelry. I gained two more pounds on the cruise. Ugh!
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 26, 2011 7:15 AM ()
This winter weather has my body craving carbs but I am going to try to keep
up walking even when it is unpleasant outside.
reply by elderjane on Oct 27, 2011 7:13 AM ()
Lots of high fashion looks awful. My favorite "hate it" moments are when I look at movie stars and other celebrities showing off their awards outfits. One out of 100 look okay and the others look like hookers down on their luck. I most dislike flip flops. There are comfortable casuals that are far more attractive. When you're out and about, you shouldn't look like you just stepped out of the shower.
comment by tealstar on Oct 26, 2011 4:47 AM ()
Classic looks are best and you are absolutely right about the celebrities
that our teens model their looks on. They reveal a lot more skin than is
reply by elderjane on Oct 27, 2011 7:15 AM ()
That older couple who stayed next door recently were nicely dressed every day, a lesson in what Country Club Casual looks like. They probably don't own grubby clothes. They are 'dating' at 75 years old, so still at the stage where he opens the car door for her and they are both on their best behavior.
comment by troutbend on Oct 25, 2011 7:33 PM ()
How do people who dress up every day paint or garden? It is something I would only do if I had a maid and I could never get used to not doing
things for myself.
reply by elderjane on Oct 26, 2011 4:40 AM ()
Glad Ted is doing better. Have fun on your cruise!
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 25, 2011 4:29 PM ()
We have missed hearing from you Dottie? I will have fun on the cruise.
Since Ted has trouble walking, we have splurged on a car and driver for
the shore excursions. We will never be there again in this lifetime.
reply by elderjane on Oct 26, 2011 4:42 AM ()
I hate the plateau... I am just beginning my diet and hoping it all falls off quickly. Dare to dream...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 25, 2011 12:32 PM ()
Me too. I had the best luck with the Micheleno frozen meals at 280 calories.
Some of them are fact even if they are not, I picked out the
rubber chicken. The lasagna is good.
reply by elderjane on Oct 26, 2011 4:44 AM ()
I do not like the skinny jeans.
Then this is a different generation.
comment by fredo on Oct 25, 2011 7:43 AM ()
Jeggings are all the rage now but bell bottoms will be back.
reply by elderjane on Oct 26, 2011 4:44 AM ()

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