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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > One of Those Days

One of Those Days

Yesterday was one of those days from minor hell.

Ted fell in the bathroom and hit his head and his lower back.
He is battered and bruised as you can imagine.

Then, Rex and the little doxie next door had a bark fest that
lasted almost all day. We could stop Rex but that didn't
help much because there was a malamute that had escaped from
his yard and he was barking too. He was a beautiful dog and
was still running loose this morning when I took Ashley to
school. The dog catcher is very active and I hope he finds
his way back home.

Rex, to protest his confinement in the house, gathered up my
nightgown and put it on his rug for a pillow. He likes to
flaunt any clothes that we leave on the floor as his toys.
It is embarrassing when we have company for him to sail into
the living room brandishing underwear.

I was in the process of shaking off a cold so not very much
got done. I am better today but still not up to par.

We watched the super bowl and enjoyed it. It was nice not
to have all the angst that we have when O.U. plays. I was
for the Ravens but not very involved emotionally.

posted on Feb 4, 2013 11:04 AM ()


Yes, one good thing about not having the Packers playing was not being too stressed about the game! I was pulling for the Ravens but didn't care too much either way. Well said.
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 10, 2013 12:41 PM ()
What a cute dog! And what great motivation to keep your clothes picked up!
comment by maggiemae on Feb 9, 2013 11:12 AM ()
Sorry I'm late to this as usual, but hope Ted is feeling better. Those falls can be nasty! Glad he's OK. I hope the malamute got home safely - those dogs are always getting loose on people.
comment by jaydensblog on Feb 8, 2013 5:04 PM ()
I hope you are both feeling better.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 6, 2013 9:52 AM ()
Yes, I was good and did very little snacking but I sure wanted to hit the
potato chips and dip.
comment by elderjane on Feb 5, 2013 8:09 AM ()
We're both dealing with the long drawn out end to our colds too. It seems to take forever to depart.
comment by steve on Feb 5, 2013 7:55 AM ()
I'll seek sympathy for these sniffles wherever I can find it.
It makes my eyes water and my ears hurt too.
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2013 8:03 AM ()
(((( Healing Hugs )))) for Ted and you!
comment by marta on Feb 4, 2013 5:57 PM ()
Thank you, Ted has very little balance since his skull fracture.
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2013 8:04 AM ()
Falling seems to hurt more as we get older. Maybe it the getting up that actually gets worse. Hope Ted does Ok.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2013 4:20 PM ()
He is doing as well as can be expected. I have been dealing with him and
the V.A. this morning. It was not pretty!!
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2013 8:05 AM ()
Sorry,to hear about Ted.This is not good and what cause the fall of Ted?
I watched the game and was so admired about the brothers coach and how they handle this very well.That what called sportsmanship.I was not for anyone.Just enjoyed the game and the half time and did not stay awake to watch the rest.
comment by fredo on Feb 4, 2013 1:22 PM ()
I just watched until half time too. Ted has no balance and I have ordered
a life line pendent for him because otherwise I would be afraid to leave
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2013 8:08 AM ()
I hope Ted is okay, no permanent damage. I recorded the big game, and am watching some of the ads again. Wasn't that power outage something? They should do that every year so people can do some serious snacking.
comment by troutbend on Feb 4, 2013 11:38 AM ()

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