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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > My Day

My Day

Bobby is back on chemo and pretty cranky and ill. His family went to a big wedding and reception so I am going
to check on him pretty soon and sit with him if he wants me

I took Ellie and the girls out for Chinese and to an estate sale. The estate sale was full of old lady stuff and mission
furniture and golden oak antiques. I never liked either thing and we didn't buy anything. Why do old ladies like
dolls? There was an entire bedroom devoted to them.

My granddaughter who is an O.S.U student just found a
house a block from the campus. I am glad for her and
am hoping she can work nearby. She is majoring in
fashion design and has learned to sew beautifully.

Everytime I go to an estate sale, I think about how I
should weed out a lot of non essential things. I started off
by clearing one of my closets and giving Linda a book case
and Ashley a desk and Adrienne a globe. I have a lot of
jewelry that I should start giving away because then I
will be sure the right person gets it. I love big flamboyant
stuff and my granddaughters all like little bitty things so
they may not want it.

I got a fortune cookie at the Chinese restaurant with no
fortune in it. Wonder if that is an omen?

posted on July 27, 2013 4:43 PM ()


hi jerry long time no seee hugss cath
comment by oldroan on Aug 17, 2013 12:48 AM ()
yes,Jeri you really do not need anything.Sorry,to hear that Bobby going through this.
It so nice that you are near by and help out.I am sure that he is appreciated this.
Tell Bobby that Mike and I will be wishing him good luck and thoughts.
comment by fredo on July 28, 2013 8:34 AM ()
Sorry Fredo but I got several things I wanted. A Frank Ackerman water color and a few nice Native American pots.
reply by elderjane on July 28, 2013 5:03 PM ()
Donna has been collecting dolls for years. Well, actually, she hasn't added to the collection, they just collect dust. I hope it doesn't get worse when she gets really old(er).
comment by jjoohhnn on July 27, 2013 7:18 PM ()
Donna's sister did that to the poor cat too.
reply by jjoohhnn on July 28, 2013 2:47 PM ()
I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes but at about eleven, I gave up dolls.
As a matter of fact my sister and I dressed our cats in doll clothes because
they were more like real babies.
reply by elderjane on July 28, 2013 7:05 AM ()
I googled OKC Estate Sales and came up with some German lady (deceased) who had so much stuff! Thought maybe that was the one you went to, but no dolls, just tons and tons of other stuff: glassware, pottery, pictures, books, jewelry. What I wondered was how she kept it all clean. Maybe they dusted it for the sale pictures, and they did say it took a bunch of people all day to clear a path in one of the rooms. But it wasn't dusty or cobwebby.
comment by troutbend on July 27, 2013 6:40 PM ()
Renee called me and we went to that one. There was 40,000 items and we
had to stand in line for two hours. It was not for the faint of heart but I
got a Frank Ackerman water color for 9.00, some native American art, a
table with a black marble top and rings for the little girls and misc items.
no purses or anything and only 30 people were allowed in at once. It was
such a well run sale. There was a policeman at the door with a list and
you didn't get in until your name was called.
reply by elderjane on July 28, 2013 5:10 PM ()
So sorry Bobby is going through this. I am sure you are a great comfort to him.

Lots of people like and collect dolls. It's one of those little known hobbies that doesn't get a lot of attention. When Ed and I were traveling to gun shows, the convention hall that had the gun show would often be next to a different exhibit, sometimes dolls. We have a doll (Ed said she is called "Baby Metropole), a gift to Ed's mother, life size, bisque head, pierced ears, antique clothes, made 1890 or so, in Germany, a collector's item.

I don't have anyone to leave my jewelry to. I envision a scene like the one in Zorba the Greek where the black clad village crones rush in and loot the body. On that cheery note,
comment by tealstar on July 27, 2013 4:54 PM ()
I bet your doll is a real treasure with it's history. I hope you display her. Ted has given me a lot of jewelry but my hands are so arthritic that I
don't wear much of it. I do have a passion for ear rings and don't feel
dressed without them.
reply by elderjane on July 28, 2013 5:16 PM ()
I love the Zorba reference and remember that scene well.
reply by troutbend on July 27, 2013 6:37 PM ()

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