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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > The Aunts

The Aunts

I adored my mother's sisters and my grandmother. When we got together every other Sunday of my child hood, it was wild hugs and kisses and fun. After a heavy Sunday meal and the dishes were done, they adjourned to the bedroom for a nap and a gossip. If young girls, like my cousins and I did not call attention to ourselves, we got a lot of information not meant for our ears. I could always depend on my aunts to be there for me. When I was living alone at seventeen, my aunt Freda would invite me over for lunch and to spend the night. My aunt Nola was always like a second mother to me and to my cousin Jackie. My children loved Nola like a another grand mother. In the summer, our cousins were our paymates. I stayed a week with them and a week with each grandmother. Both of my grandmothers played the piano and sang. My aunts and my mother formed a trio that sang "specials" in church. Both grandmothers were drafted as pianist for church quite often. I was uncomfortable with my maternal grandfather who wasn't around much. He played the fiddle at dances but would not permit my grandmother or the girls to partake of these parties. He was gone a lot on fishing trips. We stayed with my grandmother when he was gone and had delightful talks with my grandmother at night, sleeping in her big bed with the southeast breeze blowing on us. When we were planning Linda's wedding, we found the perfect dress but it was too large. Nola came to the rescue and volunteered to fit it to her. She was a great seamstress. Bobby went with us and the three of us had a memorable day with her. The aunts are long gone and I miss them. My cousin, Thelma, is very frail and struggling to stay in her home. She needs to be in assisted living. Jackie visits from California several times a year. She has been a widow twice over. We never ever thought we would be old.

posted on May 27, 2019 2:46 AM ()


When the female relatives get older, they have all sorts of secrets to tell.
comment by drmaus on May 29, 2019 3:10 PM ()
When I think of my female relatives, I realize how indebted I am to them.
They literally taught me how to love. They also made tons of quilts, padded hangers, pot holders and crocheted items and afghans. I use them all.
reply by elderjane on May 30, 2019 5:27 AM ()
Sounds like wonderful times!
comment by jerms on May 27, 2019 9:05 PM ()
They were. We all lived within a few miles of each other then and that contributed to the ability to be so involved in each other's lives.
reply by elderjane on May 28, 2019 3:35 AM ()
What lovely memories. I have three first cousins remaining. One I have never met because she only came from Greece a couple of years ago and is the daughter of my father's sister. She is living in Illinois and that is close to my mother's sister, Emily's children. I am close to Tom and Connie and Connie and I have long phone conversations. But Connie is ill and has refused chemo. Since doing that, she feels a lot better but I can't help but think she has made that awful decision to just go when it's time and not fight it. I don't remember many relatives from childhood. I was not interested in knowing them. Most weren't, actually, that nice. So I envy you what seems like a fairy tale childhood.
comment by tealstar on May 27, 2019 5:02 PM ()
It is heart warming to remember my mother's sisters and her mother. They were so special to me. My grandmother had a delicious sense of humor and
we always laughed a lot when we were with her.
reply by elderjane on May 28, 2019 3:46 AM ()
All my older relatives are long gone. The Catholic church got the remains of the last aunt's funds. I don't know how much that was and I didn't really care all that much. One loss I won't have to deal with as I get older. At least you have4 fond memories.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 27, 2019 11:52 AM ()
I have so many fond memories. I try to be a good auntie to my nieces and
nephews but they. my aunts, certainly surpassed me in their levels of care and concern. Of course, we all lived closer together then.
reply by elderjane on May 27, 2019 3:53 PM ()
I've always thought it's important for children to spend some time, even if it's a couple hours' a year visit, with aunts and cousins and other extended family. My mother did a good job of stopping in at relatives' homes for a visit as we made our way to what she always called 'home' to stay a couple weeks at my grandparents' trading post in the far corner of Colorado.

It helped us to see there is more to 'family' than just our parents. It balances things out - the fun ones made up for the oddballs. And now that I'm older and my parents are gone, I still know quite a few of my extended family members beyond just names on a family tree chart.
comment by traveltales on May 27, 2019 8:28 AM ()
I love my extended family. Ted doesn't keep up with his and barely keeps up with his brothers but he appears to enjoy our annual reunions and other get togethers. My grandmother told me so much about her life and
the things that her father told her. He was a Civil War Vet and one of
the early Texas rangers.
reply by elderjane on May 27, 2019 9:11 AM ()

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