I have no idea why anyone feels they have to have a conversation about "what's wrong with their life" when they have a naked person in bed with them
how cute
This is very interesting. It gives some hope to the republicans that are against McCain and what he stands for
good to know!
in a perfect world McCain might actually listen as well
lets just hop he continues to stand up to her....either that or let me at her. I can smack the biotch down (she aint preggers yet)
Not a fan of MN's relative "aunt flo" either
well we have all done the walk of shame once or twice. It's only been 6 months since my last.
Hope you get some help with your eye troubles
I'm trying to train my son to pick up after himself and be somewhat responsible...I'll let you know when it starts to take. Now I must go and peel the capri sun straw wrapper off of my foot.
um, critical thinking?
This was a fantastic movie. I was so sad when Bianca "died" Tears, tons of them!
My son is 9 and we went to see it this weekend. While there was some disturbing imagry, after the movie was over we were able to discuss it in depth. He said (seriously he suprises me sometimes) " I like this version better than the other batman movie with the Joker. I always thought Batman's best villian should be a match for him, not a silly guy who likes toys."
We went on to talk about the similarities of the movie to the Joker in the Batman comic "Arkham Asylum" specifically.
Maybe when people say it's not for kids they forget that if your children are in the room with you when you are watching the news they see a crazy man distroying our country already. And that's reality. As gripping and distrubing as some of the movie is, it's still fiction. Maybe we should start rating the news if we are really worrying about someone's delicate sensibilities
I'm still waiting for #5 to happen to me, but I think it's coming
yum, that's something I could go for
I don't think have ever seen a mink outside of a cage before. How cool