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Health & Fitness > Mother Nature Must Never Get Laid.

Mother Nature Must Never Get Laid.

You know what I hate? Mother Nature. I hate her so incredibly much. This day was supposed to be a good day,an optimistic day, a day of opportunities. Basically? Day one of diet. I love chasing after new goals, it's exhilarating to know your getting closer to your dreams. The gun shot went off and I got out of bed. I went to the bathroom [ stop reading this if you're not a woman] sat down and do you want to guess who was waiting for me? You got it! Mother Nature herself in her favorite red dress! Frustrated as I was, I immediatly went down to the kitchen stuffed my mouth with M'N'M's. Now what has this day turned into? A bad day, a pessimistic day, a day of failure. I hate Mother Nature.

posted on July 22, 2008 1:09 PM ()


Although I am definitely a man, I have a lot of women in life - wife, mom, friends, daughters, daughters-in-law and grand daughters, so I can SORT OF commiserate with you on your "discovery." Also, having just a lost a lot of weight myself to restore my girlish figure, I know that a waist is a terrible thing to mind! (I LOVE M & M's!!!!!)

I just today discovered your blog here. Welcome to MyBloggers!
comment by hayduke on July 23, 2008 9:26 AM ()
Not a fan of MN's relative "aunt flo" either
comment by ducky on July 22, 2008 3:41 PM ()
ok, mother nature in her red dress sucksbut one little tiny bit of advice. Stop thinking of one unhealthy food decision as failure and just start again. Here is a website you may like and find hepful (free too) www.sparkpeople.com
comment by firststarisee on July 22, 2008 1:23 PM ()

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