AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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Entertainment > Movies > Lars and the Real Girl - a Movie Review

Lars and the Real Girl - a Movie Review

This film was really completely different from what I had expected. I had thought it was going to be a light comedy because of the description of the film, but it turned out to be one of the most touching and heart-warming movies I have seen in a long time. I am not big for cryng with movies (sorry, Martin!), but this one had me reaching for the box of tissues at the ending!

Lars and Gus are brothers that grew up together, but were never really close. It is probably because they are both so different. Now, they are all grown up. Gus' wife is really worried about Lars, who is a loner. He does not really have friends. He has a good job where he has acquaintances (one of which is a awkward young lady who has a crush on him), but he basically lives alone other than visiting them from time to time.

One afternoon, his sister-in-law Karin makes an off-hand remark about how she wished he could find someone special to spend time with, and it registers with him. When he goes into work the next day, one of his co-workers is on an adult website where you can purchase a love doll (not the inflatable kind). He decides it is the perfect way to do what was mentioned.

When the doll arrives, she fills the hole that everyone was worried about. Her name is Bianca, and she is a mix of Brazilian and Dutch background and is confined to a wheelchair. When Lars brings her over to meet the family, he stops in first to warn them about the wheel chair and that they need to be sensitive about it. This does not really prepare them for the reality of their guest.

Gus and his Karin quickly try and play the expected role, but they are obviously concerned. They are able to talk Lars into having Bianca checked out by the local doctor. The doctor basically tells them that Lars has created this illusion because of some internal need. They need to support him in this if he is going to deal with whatever insecurity he has. It will not help to point out the reality because he will not see it or accept their denials.

Gus, who is uncomfortable with this, steps up and talks to the community with Karin. They share what is going on in the hopes that everyone will be accepting of Bianca and her role in Lars' life. What is really amazing about this story is that, even with some concerns and objectsion, the community does just that. Not only do they do it to support Lars, but the start to see Bianca as a part of the community.

Lars is so sweet to Bianca. He clearly seems like the considerate boyfriend wooing his love. In fact, Bianca stays in one of the rooms in the house so as to guarantee that they are being respectable and avoid premarital sex.

I really can't go much more into the story without ruining it, but it turns out to be truly amazing. The acting is incredible and the story is written so well that the film avoids what could easily become campiness. Instead, the story because so real, inspiring, and emotionally powerful that it is shocking at your own acceptance of Bianca and what is happening. The psychology of the situation makes sense even as you consider the obsurdity of it.

posted on July 19, 2008 2:30 PM ()


Wow, this movie really made an impression on you. That's what a good movie should do, so now I certainly plan to see this.
comment by donnamarie on July 27, 2008 6:08 PM ()
This was a fantastic movie. I was so sad when Bianca "died" Tears, tons of them!
comment by ducky on July 21, 2008 3:43 PM ()

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