I have been trying to come up with something for my campaign sign. You know the kind of thing. It needs to have a name and a slogan on it so people will have increased name recognition when they walk in on election day to vote.
When I was in journalism school, I was pretty good at doing headlines. You would be surprised at how particular newspapers are supposed to be when it comes to them. Each letter and form of punctuation has a particular width. You are supposed to try and get as close the actual width of the available space and have the most important detail presented in a sn interesting way. I like punnery so it worked. I just had to be careful about anything to "cute."
Anyway, I have been trying to come up with something. I thought of tying it ino the idea of ABC's because of my name. It seemed like a logical fit. The problem was coming up with something that worked without too many words.
Here is what I came up with:
It's All ABCs
Aaron for Burrillville's Children!
What do you all think?
I also have to try and come up with a cool design using it for my lawn signs.