Letter from Ron
July 22nd, 2008 by Ron Paul

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
If they expected us to retire quietly from the scene, the political elite are in for a surprise.
Today I am making some very big announcements.
First, from August 31 to September 2 in Minneapolis, we will host a
handful of events that will shake the political establishment.
Everything will culminate on Tuesday with the official launch of the Campaign for Liberty at the Rally for the Republic.
The Campaign for Liberty will be the largest organization for peace,
freedom, the Constitution, and sound money in American history. It will
launch in grand fashion with lots of special guests and - if the early
television and print inquiries we’ve received are any indication -
plenty of media attention.
I would like to personally invite you and your family to join me and
thousands of others in Minneapolis for these events and send a message
to the Republican Party.
Tickets will go on sale for the Rally for the Republic this Friday, July 25 @ 10AM CST. We want this to be an unforgettable day, so we are holding a ticket bomb all day Friday in the tradition of our famous money bombs. How many seats can we sell on the first day?
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Today’s Rally for the Republic Press
July 22nd, 2008 by Jeff Frazee
ABC News: Ron Paul Gets Bigger Soapbox for Shadow Convention
CBS News: Paul Supporters To Rally At Target Center
Associated Press: Ron Paul’s political event moves to larger venue
CNN: Paul moves convention rally to bigger arena
New York Times: Paul Casts a Larger Shadow (Convention)
Wall Street Journal: Ron Paul Switches to Bigger Arena
Boston Globe: Paul announces counter-rally
Minneapolis Star Tribune: Ron Paul’s rebellion to run three days during GOP conclave
Minnesota Public Radio: Paul backers moving to larger Target Center for Sept. rally
Minnesota Daily: Paul moves rally to Target Center
Dallas Morning News: Paul backers land big venue for counter-convention
Over 1,500 mentions of “Ron Paul†in the press today alone!