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I Have Kissed A Lot Of Frogs...

Life & Events > Drinking Till 4 AM Results In:

Drinking Till 4 AM Results In:

Crack eye relapse. So I went out on Friday night. I met up with my friend J who is a fun time. She's a bit unpredictible and can be a little bit nutsie. However, things were ok this time.

We went to a local bar in my old hang out. We got there and I could see that the new hair and the outfit were getting a lot of attention. Some dude was like Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I am not kidding that's how he said it. Anyway. I sat down and we started drinking and ate a bite to eat.

I started talking to a man whose first name sounded like a last name. I won't reveal it here for fear he may somehow stumble upon it. He was married and his wife was there. After a while we start to do shots, and he is buying me drinks. I am just enjoying his conversation because I think that he's innocent.

This dude's friend apparently told my friend J that he had an arrangement where he could have an open relationship. I didn't get this. He said at the end of the night that he wanted to continue this conversation. I was like well keep on talking. I don't get innendos after I have been drinking a lot of alcohol.

After the bar closed. A & A (Boys) came over to J's house. They are my friends and they stayed till 4 am. I sat on the one's lap who was not my best friend and said that I loved him more than the other, and that he should be jealous.

I drank far too much... so I wound up staying on her couch. I woke up at 730 am and did the walk of shame. I felt terrible for the Spiker.

Since Saturday, I have been on my couch feeling craptastic. I have been to urgent care and the opthamologist. My eyes were not doing well. Now they seem to be better but we'll see what happens...

Hope you all had a nice weekend. Happy Monday.

posted on July 21, 2008 6:10 PM ()


Yeah, I hope your eyes heal soon, too!
And I cannot handle my booze as well anymore unless I'm drinking a lot of water at the same time. But anymore I get too sleepy before I can drink too much. Feel Better!
comment by sexysadie on July 22, 2008 7:51 AM ()
well we have all done the walk of shame once or twice. It's only been 6 months since my last.

Hope you get some help with your eye troubles
comment by ducky on July 22, 2008 6:13 AM ()
...the ummmm - 'de premiom' doensn't have to manifest? ... Beth, don't worry about it!
comment by lynnie on July 21, 2008 6:40 PM ()
Oh Golly, I remember those days. Get them out of your system while you're still young. If I tie one on at my age, it takes 2 1/2 days to feel right again,
comment by shesaidwhat on July 21, 2008 6:19 PM ()

yer a kerazy piece...
comment by dazeymae on July 21, 2008 6:16 PM ()
finally the details of the night of drunken debauchery! hahaha
I am glad ya had fun, but man I feel for ya on all the eye issues... I hope they HEAL and SOON!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 21, 2008 6:14 PM ()

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