Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Beginning of the End?

Beginning of the End?

So over the weekend TBD and I spent a lot of time together. He's a freelance special effects guy and he's between movies/tv shows right now.

On Friday night we went to see my friend Gwen in a play in the small theater district. She had sent out a coupon code that brought the tickets down to $5 from $20. Score!

In the morning we went out for brunch because his kitchen sink was clogged. I offered to buy brunch if he drove. I got brunch and he bought us coffee and some gelato. When we returned I set up the wireless device I gave to him for his birthday. He had tried to set it up but it wasn't working. I finally figured out that it was the ethernet connection and with the help of my geeky brother over the phone, I downloaded a new driver. I got a little cranky (due to PMS) while getting it set up so TBD saw a little of my not-so-pretty side. I apologized and told him that it wasn't him, it was my hormones.

I decided to go home after my run in the park and take my hormones with me for the night. But we discussed hanging out and cooking pasta on Sunday afternoon after my spin class.

On Sunday I called and with his sink still clogged we wouldn't be able to cook at his place (he's allergic to my cats so that ruled out my place) and I offered to bring something over like pizza. He got cranky on the phone about all the things he needed to get done and not wanting me to have to buy more food.

I offered to stay home and let him get his things done instead and he got even more cranky and said he wanted to see me and he had all week to get those things done. Okay.

So I brought over pizza, coffee, and the makings for a salad and we watched "28 Weeks Later." After the movie we had sex followed by a long lecture by him about not reaching his goals. He was having the "I'm 40 and why am I not where I wanted to be" freak out.

ahhhhh, I don't know why men insist on having these types of conversations with me after sex, while I'm still naked and in a state of bliss.

I was told I was a distraction, a nice distraction but he was choosing to think about me instead of writing his script, his new goal for getting him out of the daily grind. When he finally let me butt in, I asked him if I'd ever put any pressure on him, if I ever not been encouraging about his making a movie, or if I'd ever not supported him in any way. He said, "no, you're wonderful but because I've been so wishy-washy you're going to meet someone new and my friends are never going to forgive me for letting you go."

I don't know if it was my hormones, my state of mind, or what, but I couldn't figure out where this lecture was going except maybe to break it off with me. I think he was just freaking out and maybe my buying tickets and food lately has his ego a little bruised. But he didn't end it.

In fact he swore that he's going to be there next Saturday to cheer me to the finish line of my charity 10k. (something I very much need - perhaps going back to my issues with my father - but I would be almost devastated if he wasn't there for me.) I'm not ready to break up... even though our future is so bleak... cats vs dogs and all.

And then yesterday morning, this email was waiting for me:

you look great in 3d remind me and i will show you the photos, i look forward to seeing you this weekend you sexy girl.


So I guess it's not the end - yet. Men are so confusing to me.

posted on July 23, 2008 11:06 AM ()


Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them! Haha. I hope he pulls through for you sister!
comment by spicybitch on July 26, 2008 1:33 PM ()
From your reveal here in the post, I didn't at all get a vibe of him not wanting to be with you anymore, or that he was on the verge of breaking up with you. At all. If anything, I think he's telling you he's liking you more and more and it's probably freaking him out... especially since he's at the age where you start to think a lot about your life and where it's going.

Hang in there girlie.
Can't wait to hear about all the asses you kick in the charity run on Saturday!
comment by mrsstu on July 23, 2008 12:25 PM ()
I have no idea why anyone feels they have to have a conversation about "what's wrong with their life" when they have a naked person in bed with them
comment by ducky on July 23, 2008 12:10 PM ()
I'm tellin ya - one day it'll all be clear... and by clear I mean clear - not clear as mud!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 23, 2008 11:27 AM ()
men are confusing, aren't they?
Cool deal that his friends love ya!!! You are so cool... I wish I could be there cheering ya on at the end! I really do! I would recruit people too! It would be team captain underwear (is that your team name? ) ALL there for you!!!
Yeah, some men are confusing. Very confusing. I am glad you are in a place where you are ok with everything though - and happy. That's all that matters!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 23, 2008 11:12 AM ()

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