I'm doing it, as best I can.
I ran four miles last night. My running buddy disappeared and I hope she's okay. I ran without her and barely got my run in before sunset. After my run, I headed to my car where I met an older man with broken English named, Hernando who wanted to talk to me about running. He ran 10 laps to my 4 and a half. He showed me a ton of stretches and a few exercises. I thought he was hitting on me when he told me I had a great body so when he asked where I lived I mentioned that my boyfriend lived nearby.
It didn't seem to phase Hernando so I think he was just genuinely into working out and talking about it. LOL Hernando told me about his favorite running spots in LA. And that running everyday will make you the healthiest you can be.
As the park got darker and darker, I said good night to Hernando and drove home.
My new shoes, Brooks Ariels, special shoes made for people who overpronate - like myself by turning in my ankles a little when I run - are worth every penny. I really should have gone to that specialty store four months ago to get the right running shoes.
They were like running on air and I felt faster and stronger in them. Or maybe I just felt stronger because I really am.
Like I told Hernando, I've worked really hard on this body and I couldn't be any happier about all that I've accomplished.
And now I'm using it to raise money for charity. WOW!