Here's some kitty photos of Sarge and Rigby all grown up and both 6 years old. Both are the biggest cats I have ever seen in my life. I don't know how I ended up with giant cats, but Rigby, a mere 15lbs, doesn't compare to Sarge. He was a scrawny little alley kitten who almost died from starvation and has grown into a 23lb Tomcat. He kept growing even after he was 2 years old. A year after I took him home, I sat on the train next to the woman who rescued him in Thai Town, Tina, and she told me that she took in his brother who had barely survived and spotted their dad who was a large tomcat in her neighborhood. I never thought Sarge would grow that big, but he has surpassed my expectations. But as big as he is, he's just as sweet... except for the love biting - a result of being abandoned when he was only weeks old.
Check out the paws:

Learned to knit and crochet - Rigby thinks it's an interactive project:

Sarge likes to stretch out on the couch and on the bed. Here he is taking up an entire couch cushion:

Rigby has a strange shoe obsession: