Nic G


Nic G
Tampa, FL
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Business > Exhausted, Plese Give Me Advice

Exhausted, Plese Give Me Advice

Well I had another double job night last night, which as some of you know consists of me molesting very large stuffed animals. Although even that, after a day of my regular job, leaves me exhausted. So as I was falling asleep in my meetings today a thought occurred to me, I should quit the second job. I really don't need it any more and I am not making near enough money there to justify the time, tiredness, and gas usage. Unfortunately the mom in me is making this decision harder than it should be.

You see, we are a very small department and rather new to the area so we don't have a lot of employee hours available. This means when a sales person is there, the manager is not. So sales people like me really have no direct supervision. Now I am a sales person. I see someone browsing in my store, and I make sure that if they are going to buy something, they are going to spend a good amount of money there. The other silly "children" (late teens early 20's) don't do that. They stand around looking retarded, or hide in the stock room, or god forbid, leave early and leave the department completely unmanned.

I know it's really not my responsibility to act as mommy to the manager, but at the same time, I have way more experience in both the retail sales side and the management side than she does. And Although I turned down her role, feel like I should help her along until she either gets a better crew or until she can actually handle the misbehavior of her existing one.

So I need advice, should I just give in to my common sense and give my notice, or coddle this store along until Christmas which is when I had planned to leave?

posted on Oct 22, 2008 6:34 AM ()


I guess it means what you can put up with. I would coddle since it is not that long, but it really depends if you can deal with the situation as it is.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 22, 2008 9:50 AM ()
Staffing the store efficiently is not your problem. You are already doing more than your job. You are good at what you do. If you have the option, focus on the important job. You wrote that it's not worth the "time, tiredness, and gas usage". Is the satisfaction of helping the manager enough to weigh against that? If so, maybe you should be the manager until Dec.
comment by stiva on Oct 22, 2008 8:25 AM ()
I'm going to go against the grain and say that if the job is exhausting you, quit and don't look back. No one is indispensable.
comment by janetk on Oct 22, 2008 7:55 AM ()
I'd go with the coddle, extra cash is still extra cash
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 22, 2008 7:26 AM ()
Coddle. It's only two more months. You can probably use the cash. Smile alot and keep your wit.
comment by jondude on Oct 22, 2008 6:56 AM ()

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