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Home & Garden > Wildlife


On my walk the other night, I stepped on an acorn on the sidewalk by the house next door to me, and realized why I’d been seeing deer every single night brave enough to come into the yards on this block. It’s the acorns.The ones from my neighbor’s tree and other trees have fallen, and they’re great big ones. In previous years when there was a big acorn yield, I could look out my bedroom window and watch a crowd of deer eating for over an hour under the tree next door.

Because of odd circumstances my hours recently have been that I’m awake all night, and I finally go for my walk sometimes at 2, 3 or later in the morning. I run across the deer so often that now I can smell one before I see it — there’s suddenly this awful rank odor, like piss and musk, and I look around, and there’s a deer in a yard staring at me.

The deer generally run away to the woods just past this block, an area called Edgewood Park. None of the woods in town used to be called anything, but about the time I was in high school the local authorities suddenly began putting up wooden signs designating some area “Beechwood Park,” “Edgewood Park,” and so on. We scoffed at this at the time, because we just called it “the woods” and knew exactly what we meant. Most of the woods around here are connected (partly because the wild growth keeps reclaiming any undeveloped area, or any area that gets neglected).

Frogs have been out a lot, too, on my block. They can move fast when they want to, but when I actually see them they act like rocks and won’t move from the sidewalk or road even if you nudge them. They are hard to see — grayish like the sidewalk — so I’m hoping I don’t accidentally get a shoeful of squished frog. Last night I encountered 2 (did not squish). Also saw one of the rabbits who are regularly in all our yards at night. No skunks, thank goodness. The wildlife tally is really growing, though. And when I’m back inside and it’s about 5 am, there’s a bunch of strange bird cries that makes me think we have seagulls or something moving through this area. I haven’t been able to see what kind of bird is making the cries.

posted on Sept 8, 2015 1:09 PM ()


Yes, we have mountain lions, and there are reports of one being seen down the road about 5 miles. Our May cabin guests say they saw one up the side stream when they were hiking up there. They are always out there watching us, and I warn people who bring small children and dogs here to be careful about letting them roam.
comment by troutbend on Sept 11, 2015 3:05 PM ()
The only time I was close enough to a deer to smell him (or her), I smelled nothing. I was in England in the country, on the Sackville-West estate. and the deer are tame there and they will nibble a treat right out of your hand. Maybe English deer have better hygiene.
comment by tealstar on Sept 9, 2015 9:25 PM ()
Pennsylvania deer have virility contests (also wet T-shirt contests) and they've been known to charge and attack people. Actually -- mating season has started so that must be a huge part of it. They have glands in their legs or something. The other night I thought at first it was a skunk I was near.
reply by drmaus on Sept 10, 2015 2:07 PM ()
I walk around six and there is something a little magical about being out
in the dark. I don't see any wildlife not even a kitty but somehow I
feel more at one with nature in the early morning.
comment by elderjane on Sept 9, 2015 2:54 AM ()
Isn't it strange how the time of day changes the world you see around you? I think I'm intruding on the animals' time, going out so late.
reply by drmaus on Sept 9, 2015 6:19 PM ()
We used to have better motion sensor lights, and I miss them alerting us to look outdoors in the middle of the night to see what form of wildlife set them off.
comment by troutbend on Sept 8, 2015 9:14 PM ()
Do you have mountain lions anywhere in your area? I was trying to write something and place it in CO, and I needed a big wild cat.
reply by drmaus on Sept 9, 2015 1:22 AM ()
"this awful rank odor, like piss and musk" NO! NOT MY BAMBI!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 8, 2015 2:26 PM ()
They just haven't showered for a while. Other times I'm sure they smell better.
reply by drmaus on Sept 9, 2015 1:21 AM ()

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