I should be packing boxes for shipping some equipment, but instead I'm wasting time reading about what vegetables I can regrow, like romaine, celery, garlic, onions. I have a long list now, and I think the first will be growing some tomatoes from old overripe ones that I would have thrown away. I hope I get enough sun to the front room for them. I even want to try growing a lemon tree and see if it works.
I was thinking about phones and fraud after reading Jeri's post. Every day phone calls come in from weird numbers that have too few digits, or too many. If they still say the location is the US, then I guess it's a virtual number like from you can get from Google  which may still be a perfectly legitimate business or person calling. But it indicates it's someone I don't know, and probably out of the country. Domain customers are global, of course, so it's not unusual.
Not too many voicemails get left. If they are, they're usually broken recordings that end with words like "our do not call list." As if they are offering to take me off a list. These can be ignored. Other ones are machine voices threatening that the police are coming to get me or something. Everyone I know is getting something vaguely like this once in a while, so there must be lots of scams connected to them.
From the last power outage I learned that Glade candles really last and burn well. The longest lasting things of course are cemetery candles, and I did have to resort to one I had left, but don't really want to. I might as well, though; at my brother's grave I'm going to put a solar light like ones other people have there, which look very pretty at dusk. The lid to the graveside candle holder was lost, and either lawnmowers or deer trampled and broke candles in the past, so there's no point in any more candles there.
If anyone (Martin?) has recommendations for battery lamps for home use that are good quality, I'd appreciate hearing exactly which ones you found that were good. There are so many on Amazon. I've been buying small sonic humidifiers recently, and one type was good, another useless.