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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Mail


Got a very unusual card from my BIL's brother, whose sense of humor is like a New Yorker cartoon -- subtle, sometimes Martian. Anyway, the picture is of an old CRT computer with keyboard, and the caption says: NEVER GO ON THE INTERNET AGAIN.

(He knows perfectly well I work online.) And there’s something on the computer’s screen, but I can’t make it out. I try a magnifying glass and it’s still too small, so I got out my visor magnifier that I use for sewing, and it shows it:

... I try to remember to check in on other social media for work purposes, but not often enough. My attempts on twitter to engage other domainers aren't so great. They follow me just because my business has a long history in the biz and we have some good domains. I just made a stupid prediction about an auction, and was completely wrong. I keep forgetting auctions are terrible.

posted on June 25, 2020 2:48 PM ()


Never predict. the world keeps giving you surprises.
comment by elderjane on June 26, 2020 4:26 AM ()
Some years ago, I was in therapy and my therapist asked, "Where do you want to be 5 years from now," and I sincerely answered, "Not dead." I never made long-range plans. I made short range plans and made them happen. One thing led to the next. An unexpected meeting at a sci fi meeting (the Hydra Club) introduced me to my first husband. We met,and from our date the next day until he died 36 years later, we were never apart.
Wenths later and were together 36 years when he died. I didn't plan any of it. I joined a bereavement group where I met Ed. I thought he was full of himself. He used to walk me to the subway and eventually we dated. Three years later we got married. He used to say he'd never marry again, that if he did, it wouldn't be me, and he would never live in Florida. And I kept saying, sure, whatever. After the wedding, he told me he was rich. Who knew. Mr. Careful. My engagement ring could pay for a house. Living in a dream house on big water, surrounded by wildlife. Ed is afraid of being happy. Ed working as a court appointed guardian for the elderly. Loves it. Now that he is isolating, he misses his God fix. (They all think he's wonderful.) I keep reminding him to count his blessings.
comment by tealstar on June 25, 2020 3:51 PM ()
"Give up on your dreams summarizes" how I feel about my recent struggles to get a new website working. I'm not sure why it was so tricky, but it's finally working (I think). I've already forgotten what I learned in the process because I am keeping a good thought and don't want to have to have problems again.
comment by traveltales on June 25, 2020 3:34 PM ()

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