Dottie Riley


Dottie Riley
Brandon, FL
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Arts & Culture > Trying to Get Unstuck

Trying to Get Unstuck

I did not just lose a son; I lost a part of me. I still have my oldest son, but he is the son who accepts me the least. After the memorial service I was talking to my daughter in law. She told me that she thinks that I use the PTSD as an excuse in life; that I am not doing enough, or should be doing things differently. Maybe I should be seeing a different counselor- maybe one not specifically trained in trauma counseling because the therapist might be coddling me- or maybe I should be taking more or different medication. I felt like I was being blamed for my illness. Of course, they have never taken 30 minutes to so much as learn about PTSD to try to understand what is going on with me, and how it impacts my relationships.
Later on, my oldest son insisted that he cannot accept my illness. He thinks of me as a strong woman, and he refuses to see me as 'disabled' in any way. That explains why he is always disappointed in me; always angry with me. They have also expressed that they think it is insane that I should move to Covington.
I have but one son left, and he does not understand me.

posted on June 24, 2008 7:02 AM ()


You just keep moving forward Dottie, and let those who don't understand stay where they are. James is so right on in what he said. We all have different demons and your fighting yours the best you know how. I do think a grief support group is a good thing too. *hugs*
comment by elfie33 on June 28, 2008 2:20 PM ()
Dot, do what you feel in your heart is right and I learned a long time ago that we have biological family, but our spiritual family that we meet and come into our lives along the way is also true family. We're all here for you.
comment by artisticgypsy on June 28, 2008 11:38 AM ()
I am so supportive of you and what you are going through, Dottie. I have dealt with personal mental health issues for years (DID/depression) and I refuse to allow narrow-minded people with prejudice and denial about mental illness diminish the hard psychological work I have done and success I have achieved to reclaim my life. I, too, have suffered from bias and rejection, especially from my stepmother who calls me "wacko," but I have learned not to let such views rob me of my power. I try to live my life with understanding and forgiveness for such people, knowing change and growth is possible if they choose it. I also advocate for positive progress for mental health concerns through NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness ( Check out the website for helpful links, information and PTSD groups.

Just keep keeping on, Dottie. Healing and living is a process — keep your eye on the healing horizon and walk toward it every day. I am very proud of you!
comment by marta on June 28, 2008 6:38 AM ()
I already see a therapist, and now I am seeking out groups for parents who have lost a child, experienced a recent death, etc.
comment by dragonflyby on June 25, 2008 7:25 AM ()
####! Your family makes me mad what a time they chose to be critical. I could strangle them if they were handy. They obviously are not compassionate and understanding. You are strong to have endured so much and your desire to move to Covington is exemplary. You create beauty and you have a loving heart. PTSD is a fact of life. You can't just dismiss it.
comment by elderjane on June 24, 2008 2:12 PM ()
I think James' words were very well said here Dottie. I am so sorry you have to suffer further by your son's and daughter-in-laws unkind (and untrue) words at this traumatic time in your life.
You are a beautiful soul. I'm so sorry that the people who may matter most to you in this world are incapable of seeing that. I just hope that you know.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 24, 2008 12:26 PM ()
Sorry,to hear this.They are being very unkind to you.
Hope that you can work this out.
Seek some help to guide you through.
comment by fredo on June 24, 2008 10:12 AM ()
I am not sure why so many people do not understand and accept the concept of post traumatic stress syndrom. It is a reality, and it is cold of people to say it is not real. I agree with everyone else!
comment by lunarhunk on June 24, 2008 8:51 AM ()

DITTODITTODITTO what James said above Dottie!! You are an amazing woman and have accomplished so much!!!!! I know how mental illnesses, including PTSD can affect different people. My youngest daughter who works at UPS in Sacramento, is on medical leave currently, for her PTSD and flashbacks!!!! So we know it is a debilitating, and we do the BEST we can daily.....Do try to take extra special care of yourself Dottie and be kind to yourself as are grieving the loss of much more than a son!!
We have more than 600 fires in Northern California so I am home for a few days, unless we get evacuated again!!!
love sent your way....
comment by darkstar on June 24, 2008 8:08 AM ()
And your daughter-in-law got her mental health degree WHERE exactly?

I am sorry Dottie, I know they are your family, so I will be nice.But they obviously have ALOT to learn about PTSD.

Maybe your oldest can't see you as anything the stong because HE is actually the one needing a strong shoulder in cases of crisis. Whatever it is, I think you are great, even if we never have met or spoke. You have served your country, created beauty in this world through both your art and your presence here alone, and survived a mother's worst nightmare. You are strong, but we all have our demons to fight.
comment by ekyprogressive on June 24, 2008 7:13 AM ()

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