I was looking through some artwork today and found this one from 2008. It was a real surprise because it is not in any of my catalogs, and I am pretty good about keeping photographic records of my artwork.
I did this after my son died. It is called 'Cry Me an Ocean' because I did not think I would ever stop crying. The subject's nakedness is to depict vulnerability.I did not bother to photograph it, I think because I thought it was inedequate or mediocre. After this, I painted 'Lamentations', the very painful painting (Jeri- the one you have a print of). Artistically, Lamentations is much better, but why did I so completely write this one off?
Well, it is in my catalog now. Not everything is a masterpiece nor does it need to be.
Hmmm... Maybe I should fix that awful shoulder angle.