I bet you feel better. Nothing worse than a smoker that hacks up a lung. I've lost family members to smoking related illnesses. I'm glad your initial reason was your son. It pisses me off when I see people pushing baby strollers smoking cigarettes and exhaling near the baby or holding the stroller with the same hand as the one with the cigarette. Worse than that is the ones that smoke in the car with the baby riding in it. I could rant like this forever. I'm proud of ya bro.
At least your pipes are clean(and I'm not talking about the plumbing in your house.)
Personally I don't wear the women's lingerie because they kind of pinch the package and if I wear them backwards they ride up the poopshoot.
I need to watch Zack and Miri Make a Porno. I'm a fan of the director, Kevin Smith. His earlier work, unofficially named "The Jersey Films", are great. If you've seen them cool. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Don't watch Clerks 2 because it sucked the big salami.
Read my previous comment on how I feel about Bond. My latest movie I watched is Hancock. Worth watching...in my opinion. Other opinions may vary. Also finally watched the Bourne Ultimatum on HBO(free preview ends next week.)
I hope those pantyhose aren't cutting off too much circulation to perform for Roxi when she gets home to show you her appreciation...grr baby very grr.
I have that link. Also I hope you enjoy the movie. I'm probably the only American male that doesn't worship Bond. My friends think I'm nuts but I've never liked Bond. I know he gets lots of poon and action but I just prefer my action heroes not to sound like prissy brits(no offense to the prissy brits.) I'll take an east coast accent or even a southern drawl over a british accent(unless it's a hot british chick that has actually visited the dentist.) I'll take an aussie like Crocodile Dundee over Bond. Yes I know Draco is weird.
I like how you spelled Crue(like the Motley variety.)
I agree with you...Gas prices won't remain low for long. I think that we should go greener no matter what the economy does. Great post.
I'll arrive early and beat the rush...
Have you heard of GILF? "Granny I'd Like to..."
In my house it's bill before beer but that is a rare occasion.
Rupert Murdoch must be a buddy to GW Bush aka The Chimp. 57 days until the biggest mistake is corrected.
You may need to "bite the bullet" and go to the doc. I'm sure there are "doc in a box" clinics for those with no insurance in Michigan. They have them here in small town Lincoln City, Oregon. I'd hate to hear that we will no longer read your posts. They make it interesting here.
Tell me something...be honest...breast or bottle? I'm a breast man myself but that's only my opinion.