Personally my in-laws are awesome. On the craft show my wife does...I don't think they are online. It ends today and she does another one on Dec 6 and 7. It's her own beaded jewelry. I may post some pics at a later date.
My wife has a show today too. She's selling hand made beaded jewelry at a Christmas show.
142 is a good IQ.
I personally like the idea of banner ads. Popups would just annoy people. I like this site because it is user friendly and (not to sound like el cheapo)free. There is a great community here and more people should know about it. If you charge to post here you would lose more than you gain. I just love to sound off and hope to continue to do so.
I did say I was kidding, right. I'm thinking of getting my wife a little vespa-type scooter because she has to rely on me to give her a ride to work since we share a car and I have to use it for my job(I do a merchandising route for Coca Cola.)Her shift will be changing to where it may become harder for me to stop and give her a ride to work. I may have to buy one of your mopeds if you can ship it to Oregon at a reasonable rate. Holla at me when you get started.
Did you know what a moped has in common with a fat chick? Both are fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you with one.All kidding aside...great idea. Gas mileage is everything. Plus those chopper mopeds kick bootay.
You should read my latest blog.
Nothing wrong with IHOP. Even better with a coupon.
Annie...I feel our state of Oregon is just as blue as Cali yet our voters passed Prop 36 stating that marriage is between one man and one woman. Gays and Lesbians here do have the right to domestic partnership but that's not the same. I feel that those same people were the types that believed in segregation between blacks and whites in the 1950s. They wore the white hoods and burned crosses on lawns. I know you are a good person but, at the same time, have way conservative views. Studies show that homosexuality is not a choice and that they are born with those feelings. If there is love involved should it matter that it's between the same genders. People that feel that way may also feel that races shouldn't mix either. I don't mean to bag on this topic but I'm tired of this B.S. about denying rights to anyone. The constitution says that all men(meaning mankind)are created equal(with equal being the key word.) Our forefathers didn't want limits on equality. I'm talking as a heterosexual that doesn't care if gays get married as long as they do truly care for each other. There are heterosexuals out there that get married for the wrong reasons. Thank you for letting me sound off.
Another Boring Job...Porn Star.You could be the new John Holmes or Ron Jeremy.
How can they be "secret societies" when everyone knows about them? Think about it.
Enter that into the Food Network site. You were wanting a BJ in an earlier post...Food Network star. Look at Guy Fieri. He went from Tattooed caterer to huge star on Food Network. He even does T.G.I.Friday's commercials. Plus Food Network does a contest he hosts where you enter your recipe for a chance to win MONEY!!!
She's alright. I wouldn't kick her out of bed. She could use a little TBL(two ball lotion.)
Ya gotta watch out for babies. My parents are raising their worthless adopted daughters two boys(I refuse to call her my sister.)They were always putting crap in their mouths when they were babies. Now Monster is two and Clyde(I call him that because he looked like an orangutan when he was a tiny baby)is one. They both quit putting everything in their mouths. Scary stuff. BTW...only people our age may remember Clyde from Every Which Way But Loose and Any Which Way You Can starring the awesome Clint Eastwood.
Holy chit. That's a killer deal. I hope it doesn't give you the runs.