Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Elections ... Somebody Elected a New President

Elections ... Somebody Elected a New President

Are you people fools? Jeez.. Do you "really think" we elected the "President"?? We did elect the new President, but we elected the one we felt "best" of the two "hand picked from a "SECRET SOCIETY"!

Is is not "Strange to you" that 35 (I think) US Presidents were/are "Free Masons"? Some "Skull and Bones", some other major secret societies. All that. There are "Hundreds" of secret societies. It's a Hierarchy structure, that is designed to "Put in place" the people they want in office. If you don't think it exists, your blind.

Long ago, and it's documented highly.. certain "structures" came in place. Secret societies. They built this massive thing, to where they promote "members" to the higher offices, It's all secret. They can make anyone they want go to the "highest" office. They keep the "lower members" Naive (to maintain) the structure they need. The "lower members", don't know chit. They are there for "Public work", they do charity things,, they build the "Impression" that the the organization is a "good thing"...

Higher levels, they control every asset of our lives....

Clinton, Bush (Both), Reagan and Obama are all "Free Masons" (Check on your own)...

I know full well, they are put in place (made a higher status) by some "Higher ups" then we know about. But still I vote who I feel best. It's no mystery to me. Obama, Bush, all them was brought to the election(s) by this "Hierarchy" we can't see. But they still control them. Obama or Mccain.. we have our choice how to vote.. but no matter what, The "Hierarchy" will run the show. I'll vote how I feel, because I know the Hierarchy knows it somewhat has to work on their platform...

Gary :)

posted on Nov 13, 2008 4:16 PM ()


How can they be "secret societies" when everyone knows about them? Think about it.
comment by draco on Nov 17, 2008 11:53 AM ()
I had never heard this before... hmmmmmm
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 13, 2008 4:37 PM ()

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