Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Mopeds - New Business

Mopeds - New Business

Im gonna start a new business. Well not new really, just something to add to my product. Something that will be both "Fun" to me, and I can make a decent profit. I want to make and sell "Mopeds".

No, the pictures above are not mine. This is just to give an idea what I want to do.

I've been researching this. The cost of the "engine kit" is around $150 (with free shipping). I would purchase the engine kits.. I would buy new bicycles to put it on ($100-$150). So my cost would be less then $300 per moped. Over time I am certain I would find the ways to greatly lower these costs.

I am not sure what the selling price should be "yet". I have seen completed mopeds (like these) range from $400 - $800 on eBay. Depending on how cool they look (mine will be cool.. promise). At any rate, they would take less then a day to build (some I would do extra work on and charge more.). I already do shows, I already know gobs of stores I could place them in... and above all.. I'd have a "Blast" building, refining, and creating them to be unique.

I've raced motocross for like 20 yrs (don't now), so I have alot of experience with small engines. I know I can even "tweek them".. to make them perform better then most.. lol. There are so many things a person can do.. so I won't be listing them here. Anyway.. I gots plans.

Michigan laws however, limit the speed to 30 MPH to be classified as a moped. The engine has to be 50cc or less (that sucks, cause I really like the 80cc kits. Limiting the speed is no problem, even if I tweek it. I'll just exchange the sprokets for "more power" rather then speed. I am not sure if I cam manage selling the 80cc kits. The reason.. Michigan requires you purchase a moped license. No insurance, but the license is $15. It's a sticker, and I don't know they check the moped. If they don't.. you could get the sticker, but be in trouble if you have an 80cc.. and get caught. I'll probably make some of both overtime.. but tell the customer "exactly" what I know legally. Then will be their choice (the 50cc or the 80cc).

The more I think about this.. the more I like the idea. The best part is.. I think I would really "enjoy" it. Trust me, I don't enjoy cutting coins anymore. After 23 years.. it's simply a job. This is something "new".. that I can just take with me. Hell.. even have them out in the front yard for sale. I think they will sell. With "Gas" such a concern.. we all look for ways to conserve. I've read these things get from 100-150 mpg!

I can pretty much promise right now "I'll at least build one". After that.. right now I want to make more. It just depends on if I run into any problems. I don't think I will.. it all seems pretty straight forward to me..


Other then that,, to update.. I have been working on my display. Just staining, fixing things.. etc.. Going in and out of so many shows.. it gets a little banged up. A few fixes, some stain.. and looks good again. So I been doing that. I got most done, but need one more day of work (before this next big show). I wanted to tonight, but seems a possum is on our garage. He could be hiding anywhere.. so I'll wait till he leaves. Probably do all that tomorrow.

Take care all.. gary :)

posted on Nov 18, 2008 4:43 PM ()


I have actually started a "moped" page (will become a site), before I made a single one.. lol.. Just to let you all know.. I am serious on this one...

Gary :)
comment by coincutter on Nov 19, 2008 9:05 PM ()
Did you know what a moped has in common with a fat chick? Both are fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you with one.All kidding aside...great idea. Gas mileage is everything. Plus those chopper mopeds kick bootay.
comment by draco on Nov 19, 2008 4:43 PM ()
The parts of these engine kits, were designed for a certain frame size. So the average frame (Bicycle) they just bolt in. Frames of different sizes.. may require some drilling or whatever (I do that all the time anyway).

The "initial cost" isn't really alot. However, it is if your "lady" thinks it's a "passing thought".. lol. No Roxann knows I am serious on this thing.. and I will make it fly. I know I won't have the time (or money) to build one till after Christmas. Once that done.. it is "Slow as hell" for months. So.. I have made a "Jar" I will keep putting money in it. It's the Jar for my first "Moped"! By Christmas time.. I will have the cash to build #1.. it will happen...
comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 8:02 PM ()

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