Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Omg Telling it like it is Now!

Omg Telling it like it is Now!

OMG! I just read Debbie's comments on my site. What "Possible" reason would I want to remain married to her?! She's the biggest slut bucket I ever met. I just want this settled, and move on. It should be simple, I (or she) serves papers. Nither ask for anything.. and we divorce. As for filing status.. it "does matter" on alot of things if the couple is still married. And yes I have been fileing, always as married filling separately. I don't want to do that anymore. I don't even know if she has "legally" changed her last name. No I am not worried about an audit. I'm not making much now.. and I'd have no problems. They are however a pain in the ass. I basically just want her "out of my life".

She's incredibly manipulative. Trust me on this. Want to know why she married me? It had nothing to do with love. I did think I loved her, but I didn't know the real her then. I had a nice house at the time. She was in constant legal battles with her ex husband. Her son accused her of pulling a knife on him, and that she was having sex in the bedroom with multiple men (18 different men is in court papers.. not at same time though.) while he listened. She was court ordered to counseling. She was court ordered, that she couldn't be with a man overnight (when she had visitation with her son). The dad had custody, she lost it. Due to how she was treating him. If she was to be with any man (while her son was around), she had to be married. We started talking marriage within a few months. She was losing her home, she moved in with me. She always had a plan.. and she IS like this always.

So.. she started freeking out. Her 1 ex (She has two other ex husbands) was getting the courts involved. She had constant legal battles. Hell, I know for a FACT she'd be dragging me to court for slander.. if anything I said was a lie. All this is on "Record" Debbie.. so I am saying what I know.. and know the courts know too.

First, she lost her job. She thought some kid called her something bad a "bitch" or something. He completely denied it. He said she heard him wrong. I believe the kid now.. didn't then. She flipped out on him, and lost her job.

So now we are living together. We only knew each other a few months. Now the suicide attempts start. Seemed like it was "nightly" I called 911 twice.. she would fill her mouth with pills. I'd have to grab her.. forcefully open her mouth, and pull them out. So yes Debbie.. this is in records also.. lol.

Now she will say "I wanted her dead".. no, don't now and never did. But she always refers to the one incident she put my shorgun to her head. She was yelling "Gary Gary.. where are the shells!!" (I had all that hidden). So, I grabbed one and threw it behind the dresser. She ran and got it.. cocked the gun.. then freeked out more. See, that particular night I knew she was just looking for attention.. and I wasn't gonna give it to her. I threw the shell to her.. and sat typing on the computer. I waited for her to call me into the room to help "un-load" the gun. Actually.. was a new gun, I called my brother to help the next morning. The gun stayed loaded in the closet all night.

I know how suicide attempts go. Generally they are a "cry for help".. (they really don't want to do it).. but sometimes they go too far. Debbie was doing it constant.. so I responded the "best way I could" (I felt), Depending on the situation. Sometimes take pills out of her, sometimes take a knife outta her hands. Yes she pulled a knife on me.. and even stabbed my waterbed dozens of times with it,, lol. That was one heck of a night.. she called me in once she did it.. and didn't know what to do. Water like everywhere.. lol.

Another time.. I am at the computer again. She was in the bedroom. I could see in. She started "screaming" about how "Both of her other ex husbands were screwing her". At that point, I was fed up with this Bioutch. She yelled "I'm gonna kill myself!!". I thought, here we go again.. and ignored her. She grabbed a lighter, and lit herself on fire. I had to jump up, and go put her "out". After She was "out" I calmly just went back to the computer.

There are so many incidents (Within less then a year) that I can't write all. But I had my final straw. That was the day of the "so called" assault. It really showed me her true colors. She was in the bathroom one day. She locked it.. saying she was gonna kill herself. I pleaded with her to come out. She wouldn't, so I broke the lock. I got in, and her mouth was full of pills. The bottle was on the floor. She looked like a "Chipmunk" her cheeks were bulging out. I knew she had alot.. I was afraid she would die....

I was trying to get the pills out.. she was fighting against it (with everything she had). I didn't want to call 911 again, because she already resented me for that. I was finally able to get her mouth open, and pull most out. She then began banging her head on the wall, and hitting herself in the face.

She had been collecting these "Bryer Horses" that she bought on eBay. I knew she loved them.. so I went out to the living room.. and made a "threat" to break a leg off one.. if she wouldn't stop. Well. she stopped.. lol, but she followed me in and attacked me. I never laid a hand on her.. I was blocking her punches. Well my son (who is Autistic) heard the commotion, and called 911. The cop came. At that point, Debbie even told them I never hit her. But she had a small mark on her face. I went to jail. Cops see a mark, somebody goes.

So I spent a night in Jail. Debbie felt bad about it. I got a lawyer, and she went with me there. He agreed to take the case, because she admitted I didn't do it. She did. Was gonna be over and shut.. well on the court date, Debbie came in and "completely changed her story". Why, I think because I "pushed her out" of MY home. The prosecutor asked her into talk.. she went calmly, and came out with a "smirk" on her face (Like an I got you smirk). My lawyer came out and said "I don't understand,,, she said all along you did nothing, and she said complete opposite to the prosecutor. Like he was mad at me, but hey that was first I heard of that too.

The judge sided with me. The prosecutor said he recommends NO anger management, no probation, nothing. Basically... they "seen through her", which is SOMETHING MANY BLOGGERS HAVEN'T done yet. I still had to pay a lawyer, go to jail, all because she wanted to lie. Why did she lie? Ha, gets deeper. She was given more court papers from her ex's. If she looked like "she was suicidal", and her ex found out.. she'd lose her kids for sure..

I finally realized, she wasn't gonna change. She also thought she had cancer at the time.. so I went to every visit and what have you. Once I knew she didn't, I began to "push her out" of my home. Did I start "yelling", YEP... I wanted this cunt gone. She was flipping out on the kids.. she was going to bars... she even was hanging out with her ex's. Finally.. she left!!

Then she wouldn't get her stuff outta my house. It was months. I finally decided... Fuck her. I made a decision I was going to Florida. I contacted her. I said, You have 30 days to get your stuff out. I'm going to Florida. She's like.. you have a brand new house.. you won't. I said "Watch me"! She got her stuff out a week before I left. I let a forclosure happen (that didn't need too). I was behind on payment, but they offered me 2 months free. I was just so DONE. I wanted her out of my LIFE, I wanted my kids "stable". I didn't want them to see her hitting her head on the wall.. pulling knives.. stabbing waterbeds.. and freeking out all the time. Yes I drink.. and I am certain she will throw that to me.. but ask anyone who knows me in person. Usually I just sit at the computer and chill.

Take me to court for "slander" Debbie... I dare you.. no, I "DOUBLE DARE" you!! lol. You know for a fact most everything I said is in court documents anyway.

What all you bloggers do (or think).. is up to you. I don't care really. If you think "poor little" Debbie (Busymidmichmom) is being so mistreated by "Coincutter", Have your opinion. I know the entire truth, so like opinions mean nothing to me. This wench has cost me "ALOT". I am not after "revenge".. I want it over. But I also admit, I'll "joyfully rejoice" when I find people who "learned her for themselves". In Blogs have said not a single lie.. and "Debbie" WILL trip herself up to even her strongest defenders (at some point). So my worries are nill.

Anyone is free to "write whatever they want" on my blog. I will block "Nobody", but I will respond. I doubt I will read Debbie's blogs. No, not afraid.. just her lies aren't worth my time. I may respond if she writes on mine, but that's dependent on my mood. Really I could care less about her, but sometimes she says something that causes a reaction.

She may be able so SNOW some of you.. but not me. Would you like a "Before and after" pic of Debbie? I got lots of them. I got pictures in our wedding. She was actually pretty then. In a few short years, looks like a "Mack truck" ran over her a few times. I think it's "Karma".. While I was with her.. all she talked about was "who" she needed to get "REVENGE" on next... I'm serious.. If I post her pictures from just before we went to Florida.. and you look at her's now.. she aged 2 decades in 3 years..

Ok.. I'm out.. Sebastian is having a fit.. gotta take care of him....

posted on Nov 17, 2008 7:29 PM ()


Ever notice she never "denies" the suicide attempts, the court ordered chit (pulling knives on kids).. or anything like that? At least she doesn't on my blog.. I don't even look at hers. She just denies "why she lost her job".. and no I have no proof of that. But I was living with her at the time, and read every paper. I know she was working something out with the school, to keep her record clean.. but she had to move on..

Done dealing with her for awhile... believe what you want. She "LIES"!!!
comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 5:13 PM ()
Gotta love the "Internet"!! But I am out for tonight.. Laterz..
comment by coincutter on Nov 17, 2008 10:23 PM ()
Not my words, the Terms of Service on this site state...
"...You further acknowledge and agree that you will not:
upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;..."

You are way more guilty than calling me names; you are violating the terms of service of this site in addition to committing defamation of character and libel.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 17, 2008 9:45 PM ()
Damn,,, I was trying to listen to some music.. I had to come back to this...

Debbie.. You write how you will "sue me" or take me to court. DO IT BIOUTCH".. quit talking. I know for a fact you would in as second on "anyone" you you felt you had the upper hand on. Only thing I am guilty of is calling you a "worthless wench"..
comment by coincutter on Nov 17, 2008 9:30 PM ()
Take me to court "Debbie" For slander or whatever.... my current address is always on my website. "". Maybe we can sort it all out.... Hey, just a wonder... how is "Derrick"?
comment by coincutter on Nov 17, 2008 9:21 PM ()
"...First, she lost her job. She thought some kid called her something bad a "#####" or something. He completely denied it. He said she heard him wrong. I believe the kid now.. didn't then. She flipped out on him, and lost her job..."

I lost my teaching job because the Title 1 Reading Teacher position was eliminated. I have paperwork from National Heritage Academies that documents that. You, on the other hand, do not have any legitimate documentation to support that claim.

Perhaps you should think twice about running your mouth online, Gary. The following situation is where a teacher won a lawsuit for internet libel.

In 1994, an Australian anthropologist named Gil Hardwick was ordered by the Australian Supreme Court to pay David Rindos $40,000 because he libeled Mr. Rindos on the Internet. Mr. Hardwick claimed that Rindos had lost his job teaching at the University of Western Australia because he was a bully and had sexually molested a boy. These were false statements which hurt Rindo's chances at finding a job and harmed his reputation to the public.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 17, 2008 9:08 PM ()
Oh.. BTW.. if anything thinks I "concocted" this story (In my little brain), you give me far more "Credit" then I deserve... lol. If I could write "fiction" like this, I'd make Millions!!!!
comment by coincutter on Nov 17, 2008 7:45 PM ()

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