Went and did the show today... it went really well actually. We already had the show fee covered by noon. So all we made after that today (and tomorrow) is profit. Good cause I need to send some child support out.. to hopefully keep me out of jail.
We booked a motel.. but the roads were nice, so we decided to drive back home. If gas prices were still up, we would have stayed. But heck.. today we got gas, and it was only $1.68 a gallon. To me, always nicer to be home. maybe some like to "get away" and prefer a motel.. but I've done this all my life. I'd rather be home more.
Tomorrow we go back. I don't expect it to be as good as today.. but should be good. This is a "big show".. 340 vendors. I took the smallest spot they had "$90.00 fee". Bigger spots were double. Think of the promoters end... 340 x (say average) $145 fee.. = $49,300 dollars the show brought in just from vendors. Plus they charged the public $2 a head.. and had a full show all day. You could barely walk down the isles. I bet total.. for the promotors it brought in $70,000 +. I'm certain much of it went to the school.. but any way you slice the "pie" they all made out good! Damn, sometimes I wish I was promoting shows.. not just doing them.
I was in "pain" all day. Lately, I have been having frequent bouts of "Cramps". Not those "whimpy cramps" women complain about, so they have an excuse to "bioutch" for a few days.. I'm talking real cramps. The kind that can bring me to my knees (they hurt so bad). I am not sure what's causing them. They last like 3 days.. then I am good for a week or two.. and come back. I think something is fluccking up inside.. but I have no clue.. and no insurance.. grr... So today, I basically dealt with that all day.. plus had to cut coins constant (from 10am to 6pm with no breaks).. kinda sucked really..
Well, I did it.. I got out of Thanksgiving with the inlaws!!! All it took was a "simple" lie! yes I know I pride myself on being "truthful", but there are special occasions to lie. Getting together with her family for 5 days, definetely falls in this catagory. We're just gonna say I have a show. In reality, I should be doing one, but she will be gone wed-sun, and my van isn't working. So they will all go up north, and I get 5 days of relaxing. I do however plan on cooking a turkey.. matter of fact.. I should take one out of the freezer tonight (we have 3).
The only part that will suck.. is what if I don't buy enough beer? Then it's like a 3 mile walk (round trip) to the beer store.. in the cold winter. I plan on getting like 3.. 12 packs.. but "trust me".. alone 5 days.. I will be going through some beers.. lol.
Draco, I didn't know your wife did "craft shows". Send me the link (or contact information), and I'll post it up on my links page. My site does get a fair amount of traffic (as I give my cards out at every show). Could help.., couldn't hurt.
Ok.. I'm out. Gonna take a bath, put my turkey in the fridge.. and chill out with some "beer" for awhile!
gary :)