Well, I think it's time to write a "Diary". My name is Sebastian Lee Ambrose, and I am 8 months old.
I think it's best to explain a "normal" day for me. It starts out pretty easy. About 6 or 7 am, I start to get lonely. Usually, I shit my diaper.. and well I need attention. I know mom has the baby monitor on, and she hears it on my first cry. But for some stupid reason.. mom makes me cry "LOUD as HELL" before she comes in... finally she does.. Then she gets me, changes me, and gives me a fresh "Baba".. I really like that, so then I go back to sleep. Mom leaves for work.
Around 1am, I get hungry again. I begin to fuss. I know "mom" has turned up the "baby monitor" so when I cry.. sounds like "thunder" to dad (in the other room). Dad is a bit tougher them mom.. not quite as easy to wake up. But with my persistance, usually he will get up before 1 pm.
Dad comes in.. he is always smiling in the morning (to me). First thing he says is "Oh,,, there he is"! Well I knew where I was, but I humor dad.. then I "smile at him" (it's one of the qualities I have that works on everyone".. So we are both happy.
Dad always says. "OH.. you need a yiper changed".. then he tosses me on my back, and proceeds to change my yipper. I squirm and fuss.. but really I want it done. Just the "morning dad", well doesn't take the time like the "evening dad"..
Next.. he calls me the "Bouncy bounce" kid! That's because he puts me in this "bouncer" thing.. as he takes a bath. He sticks me in front of a mirror (in my bouncy bounce), to talk to this little baby in there.
I realized the baby in the "Mirror" was cute!! I started kissing it. Well, that was when I was only like "7 months".. now I am older.. and realized it wasn't another cute "baby".. it was "ME".. Think dad snowed me on that.
So, dad then started to have baths with me. That was cool.. I still love it. He puts on shorts, me.. I'm naked. Dad soon decided he could fill the tub to the rim. It's slippery as hell! But he keeps me safe. I have like 12 rubber duckies in the tub (bubbles too) and I love "diving after them". Sometimes I take in too much water (cough it out).. sometimes I don't. But I always have a good time.
After that, we get out of the tub. Dry, all that. Then daddy watches me till my brothers, and mom comes home. I am "Always pissed" dad didn't get me sooner, so I get into his chit. Every single place he tells me "not to go", I go. If he says "No, I say yes"!! I'm like old enough to play this game too...
You'd think he'd be as easy, like the women in "Victoria Secrets" to SNOW.. but he really isn't. I watch for dad.. I look where his eyes are.. and no matter what... he will grab my legs.. and pull me away... Grrrr...
Well my older brothers come home. They are 13 and 16 (the ones that live here).. I like them, they let me get away with more. I mean.. they don't pay a shitload of attention if I wanna suck on a "Butterfinger wrapper", and don't immediate grab me to change my diaper or anything. So.. with them I do have a "Freedom thing" going.
My only problem with my brothers.. well sometimes they grab me by the "feet".. and spin me as fast as they can. Sometimes, they just toss me in the air, and hope to catch me. Actually it's kinda fun.. but dad usually jumps in and "stops it". He goes into these long talks with them about how "I am a Baby", and they could break my neck (What is a neck anyway?)... I think my brothers need to play with me when dad is not around.
Mom eventually comes home. Dad seems to get extremely "thirsty" at that point, and usually has a 12 pack of his favorite beverage. So I am with "Mom" from that point on. First she grabs me... goes to her computer. So I am in one hand, she has a phone in the other.. and she plays her favorite video games. That's ok.. I am now wanting Mama. In the morning, I will want "Dada"...
Well.. that's my "first" diary submission... if it sucked, remember I'm only 8 (months even)... I will post again soon....
Love ya all... Sebastian :)
love ya and hope to see you soon
auntie butterfly