I understood all the terms before (when young).. but now I am confused. Let me list some old and "new things" and you tell me if I understand what they mean.... All "generations" have added their "terms". This is just chit I am hearing now..
Mom I'd like to "F". I think this is a known fact from everyone about 14 on. It means you have a friend.. and he has a hot "mom".. you wish you could "F".
Daughter I'd like to "F". Term for older age dudes. Say if your 45.. and you know some chick with a "25" year old daughter.. if she's "Hot", she may be a "DILF". Don't get mad women, this is all about "of age" women"... Hell, the "American hero" (Hugh Hefiner) owns a few dozen "DILFS".. and we worship him.. lol.
Fag I'd like to "F". This applies mostly to gay men. If your a gay man, and his tight leather pants bring a "tingle".. lol.. he may be a "FILF" to you.. (PS, not saying anything bad about gays).
A "Bush" I'd like to see "fucked". Not in the "porn way", just I think they're asses. The whole family. Hell, Bush one has the most "fluggly" wife there is... maybe.. if he "got" laid by hot wenches in the "oval".. he would have done better (Like Clinton).. grrr...
A "W" I'd like to watch "F'd". This little ass "Dad Wanna be", screwed our country more then anyone in history. George W. has cost your friends lives, my friends lives.. and made his friends rich... Goodbye "W".. Good fluccking riddance!!!
So you lost "Palin"... damn, half the younger country (and most everyone over 40), want to see you "Naked". Do something productive in your life! Locating "Russia from Alaska" isn't really a skill. Simple, go on... "Pose for Playboy".. watch your career blossum..
OK.. many more terms I heard.. for now, I just wanted to mention a few.,,
Gary :)