Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Kids Coming in a Few Hours

Kids Coming in a Few Hours

Well my kids are coming over in a few hours. Once Roxann gets out of work, she and I (or just she) will pick them up from their mom's. Then we will have all 5 kids, all here together. Could be interesting.. lol.

Her two kids, my two, and the one we have together. Derek 17, Stephen 16, Jeremy 14, Michelle 12, Sebastian 8 mo.

They are all great kids. I tell you what.. I don't know what you think about "My or Roxann's" parenting.. but we both have raised some of the most "kind, nice, and respectful" kids there is. None of the kids do drugs, have an attitude (Humm.. cept Sebastian), or does anything bad really (cept they ALL have a hard time cleaning up.. grrr). Honestly, they are the most loving kids there is.. and I can say for a FACT we get along better as a family, then most I've seen.

It was Derek's B-Day on the 20th. We had to celebrate it today, as Michelle wouldn't be able to come also till today. So they will stay the night. Derek doesn't like birthdays (he is autistic). He is pretty much normal now (how he acts), but has adversions to some things he doesn't like. Birthday partys are one. So we won't have cake, we won't sing.. but he will get his presents. You'd have to know him, to know why it will be this way.

Derek is "Super Intelligent".. makes him hard to buy for. Two years ago.. I got him "Russian books" cause he wanted to learn the Russian language (not sure why). He memorized every character in the language on the first day he seen it. Today... he speaks "Russian".. lol. Serious, he can hold a conversation with a Russian. On his own, this wasn't for school.

I got him tools. He is getting into making projects. So I got him alot of tools. Last year he wanted that.. this year, he won't say what he wants.. so I got tools. Basically, he doesn't want anyone spending anything on him (how he is). Hope he is still into wanting tools.


Got a $45 order off my website today. The lady ordered before, and I didn't respond. I didn't because for some reason, it went to "spam mail". That never happened before. I didn't respond because I don't look at spam mail. I did this time, because an old friend contacted me on messenger.. said he was writing and I didn't respond. So I checked my "Spam mail". Sure enough.. his writings were there, as well as the order. Hard telling how much I missed. Seems to me, Yahoo has changed the way they mark as (spam or ok).. so now you get less spam in the INBOX, but also more you wanted into "SPAM". Personally, this forced me to turn off ALL spam blocking on my main email. I can't afford to lose orders.


I just (now) purchased the "Professional" version of "PageBreeze" (30 bones). They have a free version, which I used to create my new website: The Professional has many features I may need to make changes quicker and easier. Plus, free updates for life. I know ways to do all the same things, with a multitude of other programs installed.. but this is now all in one package.. and easy. So I figure worth it. If you ever need a website.. I'm cheap.. good, and quick.. lol. Nothing I push.. just saying I could.

Ok.. out now.. probably won't write again till tomorrow night. We'll get some "Family" pics (all 5 kids and us together) posted soon.

Later, Gary

posted on Nov 25, 2008 1:40 PM ()


Have a GREAT holiday Gary.
comment by cindy on Nov 25, 2008 8:34 PM ()
I am very familiar with autism, so I get the "un-birthday" celebration.Sounds like you have a very remarkable boy.

Have a great holiday!
comment by janetk on Nov 25, 2008 3:52 PM ()
have a great evening with all the kids there.
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 25, 2008 3:40 PM ()
comment by panthurdreams on Nov 25, 2008 2:28 PM ()

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