Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope your having one, I sure am!!
I am alone.. no kids, nuffin. I didn't tell Roxi (or anyone) another of my reasons to spend this 5 days alone. It's because, I wanted to clean the "fuck" outta this place!!
Roxann's kids are positively the most "ditry" kids I even met. They don't clean chit.. they don't do much of anything unless they get yelled at for "hours" and still it's a problem. Roxi herself, isn't a whole lot better. But she works full time, and does alot of things. So mainly.. my problem is with the kids. I can't even remember how often I have to complain that someone "peed" on the toilet and didn't flush. I don't know how often I told them to take care of their plates (after they ate) to find piles of them. And my beef isn't just having to remind them.. they bitch and moan about EVERYTHING they are asked to do. Don't get me wrong.. I am no "clean freak" (ask anyone).. but this is beyond normal.
So, now... for Thanksgiving.. they are getting a "clean" house "Courtesy of me". Yep.. I am throwing out all the chit, that I feel is "SHIT".. oh all these little things they wanted to keep.. will be in the "trash" far before they get home. I am not being "malicious" here.. if it's important (and I feel it is) it stays... but if I deem it's not, they aren't here to "argue"... and it will be gone. You should see all the "trash" bags I have done already. If they don't like how I did things... screw them... next time pick up after yourself.
I'm like a "Bioutch on the Rag" right now! I gots my little maid skirt on, but thinks my pantyhose are too tight! I'll go through this place like a tornado on crack.. and make no excuses. One way or the other... THIS PLACE WILL REMAIN CLEAN (ER)!!!!
ANYWAY.. I may rant and rave while I do it. But I will be so much happier once it's done. And I really don't give a flying rats ass what anyone in this family says... It NEEDED TO BE DONE!!!
Laterz.. Gary :)