Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Workin like a Dawg

Workin like a Dawg

I've got a few minutes here, before I go to the garage to cut some orders. I just set up my cutting bench, and tools. It's kinda cold there, so I put up a space heater, and will wait till it warms a little. In the meantime, I'll blog and draw up the orders I need to cut. I'll be cutting those, and for the display (for Xmas sales).

I still haven't decided where I want to work at Christmas. I could do the mall with Danny. It would be "center court" (In the food area), and would be good. But, it would only be weekends. I could do any of the Flea Markets too. Cheaper fee... be there every single day (which you want at Christmas, for exposure).. but a bigger hassle. I really have to think on this. I kinda want to do a Flea market, because I can get a huge booth.. and bring other vendors stuff in too (as I know tons of vendors). Sell their stuff.. and get a "cut" I'll be there anyway.. so why not. Still deciding.. I have a week or so to think.

I watched that movie "Zack and Miri make a porno" today. So I'll give a quick review. I thought at times it was funny as hell, at times it was dumb as chit. There was far too much use of "dirty" words. Don't get me wrong.. I don't mind that.. but maybe it was "overkill". Overall, I'd say watch it.. Just not with your kids or parents.. lol. My review 8/10.

Been cleaning the crap outta this house. Looks better and better every day. I'll continue till they come home. What I will not however do is "Laundry". or "Dishes". I'll find every piece of dirty laundry in this house.. and throw it down the stairs into the pile. I'll locate every single "glass" hidden behind a chair, or couch (so the kids didn't have to take care of it) and relocate it to the "pile" of dirty dishes I have in the kitchen. I'll clean countertops, vacuum, sweep, gather bottles, boxes to the basement.. but I won't do dishes, or laundry. I can promise.. the kids will be doing that when they come back.

Ok.. well my orders are drawn up. My goal today is just do those (and maybe some for the display) until my buzz kicks in. Then I will be in cleaning mode. After that... movies. So,, the day is in motion :)


posted on Nov 28, 2008 1:56 PM ()


I need to watch Zack and Miri Make a Porno. I'm a fan of the director, Kevin Smith. His earlier work, unofficially named "The Jersey Films", are great. If you've seen them cool. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Don't watch Clerks 2 because it sucked the big salami.
comment by draco on Nov 28, 2008 2:11 PM ()

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