Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > What I AM About

What I AM About

Taking a cleaning break. I been working on this house like 3 days (solid).. and it's finally starting to look good (well better.. lol)!

I decided I needed a blog to explain my "overall" thoughts. Not details.. the overall way I feel. I have before, but new people come in, people get on other blogs and read other comments on me (all that).. and alot miss what I am about. So I will say it here.

I know I will write about "any subject". Gays (Panthur.. luv ya in a not sucking cock kinda way), crazy women, blacks, Indians, Republicans.. I doubt there is a subject I won't touch, and have an opinion on. I am a VERY "well read" person.. and if anyone wants to talk to me "logically" on most anything.. I will be ready.

Where I am most "misunderstood", is how I word things. Maybe it's a "barrier" I haven't learned to manipulate yet. I mean.. to explain what I mean "better" yet.

I can assure everyone. I am not against gays, blacks, republican dicks, or anyone else. Sure not in a: "I hate them, just because they are" kinda way. Yes, I hate the way some act.. but love the person.

To me.. everyone "screams" they are "mistreated" today. Hell I do too.. cause I am. I am a white male "biker" type that will ride a Honda or Kawasaki too (Imagine what bikers think of that?). I talk with and hang out with Black friends of mine.. yet, I have no problem making a nigger joke (Imagine what they think of that?). I got many fag friends.. some think "Fag" is a bad word.. some hate even being called gay.. humm.. but most that know me, have no problem me saying it..

I am a straight man. I like taco's, not sausage. But I have always liked wearing "lingerae" since I was young. No, I don't do it everyday, actually hardly never. If I did I would tell you, and send pics if you wanted.. lol. Point is.. from a young age, I had problems with that. I told nobody then, but I thought I was "weird". "Why the hell did I want to wear women's clothes, when I liked women (not men)? If you think "Coming out as a gay man would be hard.. I'd say this would be harder.

Today.. I could'nt give a "Flying fluck if anyone knows that". I don't care.. I realize now.. that was my "progression" of my sexuality. I didn't like dudes, but I did like the "role reversal", I did like "being something I wasn't awhile (Fantasy)" and I did like the soft feel and texture of wearing womens clothes (Still do)..

If I happen to "offend" you on here.. trust me, I didn't mean too! I am by far, they most "Liberal (meaning let you be you) type there is here". I engage in conversation.. because I enjoy it, and I hope you do too. I am very direct.. very strong.. but my motives are most always good. Even if I hate what you say... I'll still probably like you! Actually.. there is nobody on this blog site I don't like (exception would be some problems with my wife #2.. but even her I don't hate).

A few last thoughts.. when I was a kid I could NEVER talk this way. Now I can. Everyone who knows me, knows I been around far more then most. I am pretty much "free" to talk and be who I wanna be. Trust me kids.. takes awhile before you get there.. lol. When your young, people are like "NO No no".. lol... They dis on anything you do.. When you already have ben around.. they are like... "Oh.. that's him" and accept whatever you say (no teasing, suddenly your cool)..

I can't say my life is perfect. I can't suggest anyone follows it. For me, was the only way. I was hospitalized 5 times for motorcycle accidents, and totaled 7 cars before most here was born (Besides the other old flucks here.. RED.. lol)...

"What I am about"....

I am about "good".. I am about giving you my "experiences". I will be "subtile", I may even be an "ASS"... But if you listen close.. I got some good things to say....

LOVE: Gary :)

posted on Nov 28, 2008 7:52 PM ()


Personally I don't wear the women's lingerie because they kind of pinch the package and if I wear them backwards they ride up the poopshoot.
comment by draco on Dec 1, 2008 6:00 AM ()
Mahalo for opening up with us. To each his own as long as no one is a kid and all people involved are whatever the hell you want as dirty or as clean as you want...Hell have fun with sex!!
comment by panthurdreams on Nov 29, 2008 10:13 PM ()
Well I will agree you have a certain level of talent and intellect,but it is hidden behind the level of bullshit you spread. You have no tact, and yes you offend people. The thing that amazes me is that you feel you can address people in that way and expect them to take it with a grain of salt, sorry but I was raised differently. I will give the level of respect I am given, But like I said before you seem to have the idea that the world owes you..well sorry bro it doesn't work that way.
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 29, 2008 7:07 AM ()

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