Birthday huh? My sympathies. Just kidding. Mine is not for another six months and 21 days. The big 3-8.
After infinity cases I still wouldn't do Pee Wee Herman.
'nuff said.
If you're fat them I'm the Good Year Blimp. Seriously you don't look fat. You are hot(don't get any ideas...I'm a married man and you have a dude.)
Kill the b@stards that did this to the poor dog. Kill anyone that abuses an animal. Grr
Earn your Red Wings bro(I'm not talking about Detroit hockey.)
C'mon...A Christmas Story hands down. "You'll shoot your eye out, kid." The alltime favorite song: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Gary...great movie. I loved the part where he took the people to Cuba. Hell that nation is Communist(and very poor to boot) and they gave the Americans that Michael Moore brought over the best health care for the lowest cost. I don't want to live under a communist dictatorship but I want the same equal healthcare. I love America but I don't like it's politics. I hope Mr. Obama will improve the healthcare situation.
Fight Club is an awesome movie. I own it. The book is awesome too. The author, Chuck Palahniuk, is from Portland, Oregon and actually attended several different types of support groups for this book. I can't wait until Choke comes out on DVD. Another great read. There are rumors about another book, Invisible Monsters, being adapted to a movie. You should read his stuff. It is very dark humor.
Couldn't have said it better. I support the troops but think that they would be better served in the homeland and not overseas.
Sounds like a fun time. BTW...sorry about the Kleen Kanteen. Those things rock. Oh tell R he's a lucky man. If I would have left my wife with a dead car, we wouldn't be talking right now.
I was with Blogster(aka bugster)and converted to MyBloggers. How come we ain't friends? I'm adding you.
My wife actually likes the musical the song "All That Jazz" came from, Chigago.
I'm glad there wasn't any national chains like Outback but I do question a restaurant owned by John Smellway. Personally I like to grill my own steaks because I get my beef from my father-in-law. He has a nice pasture to grass feed his cows during the spring and summer then he grain feeds them in early fall before they are butchered. They are aged well and very tender meat. I grill them on a charcoal grill and add some apple wood my dad gives me. The rub I use is top secret but minimal. I rarely buy steadk at a restaurant unless it's prime rib because my father-in-law never gets that cut. It takes away from the good steaks.
My first time was with a hot skinny older chick with big titties. She was 21 and it was my 13th bday. Blew my load right away when she touched her mouth to my dong. Teenagers are inhuman. Got hard again and lasted long enough to make her moan(at 13 I was hung like an elephant.)If you say my last time is with a fat chick I'll kick your ass for calling my wife fat. She's pleasantly plump. She started out hot and skinny but age and comfort fattened us up. I'll admit before her I did some chubby chasing(remember my moped and fat chicks joke.) Great post...keep it up.