You need to catch some ocean shots this time of year in Lincoln City. The waves are really putting on a good show.
I'll think about my Grandma and PD's Gramma who both passed away this year. Sorry to AJ aka Lunarhunk but I prefer Elvis's version of Blue Christmas.
Shalom and Happy Chanukah to our Jewish friends. Everyone else Merry Christmas Dammit(to quote Gumby.)
We are actually getting a cold front here on the Oregon Coast. Brrr. Probably not as cold as Michigan but still cold here. In the lower 40s and getting colder by the weekend. I hate cold.
OJ couldn't shine over the Nevada jury like he did 13 years ago in LA. Too bad he couldn't get life without parole. I hope the other prisoners give him a "warm" welcome.
You like egg nog with Southern Comfort. Hmmmm...I like it better with Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum(My recipe...Four parts Captain Morgan's one shot of egg nog.)
Hell yeah Santa. You can hang out with that strange fat dude all you want.
You probably got that one so cheap because HP is coming out with a more advanced printer. That's how it usually happens. So's still a new printer.
My sister just sent that to me.
My sympathies to her. I got a medical discharge for getting Rheumatic Fever while in the Air Force. They said that my heart was "defective" because of it. I say bull #### because I signed up for six years and they kicked me out after over a year. The truth was Desert Storm was over and they didn't need as many Airmen as they thought and was looking for any excuse to weed out some of us(I wasn't alone as far as medical.) It sucks that she got sick and can no longer serve in the Coast Guard. I consider them military because they do alot. Over here they work hard during the summer rescuing idiots caught in rip currents(when there are a million and one signs saying beware of rip currents.)
Blogs are a sounding board. You, like me, are an opinionated bastich. I mean that as the most sincere complement. I say chit that I wouldn't say in real life because I don't want to get shot or my teeth knocked down my throat(even though I'm a big guy and could kick most people's a$$.) It helps me to sound off and you need to do the same.
Oregon representI love hearing about stuff from Oregon. I've had Rogue Creamery cheese. Delicious. Goes great with Rogue Ale.
I'll never get tired of this one.
Just wait...he's be saying "chit" just like his Dada and then boobs.
Technically Lynden Johnson was a Democrat. He was Kennedy's VP before he became el presidente.