I got a new printer today. I have one that "Gabriella" bought me (when I lived in Florida), but with this move to "Flushing Michigan" I couldn't find it. It's buried under a pile of boxes, I am sure...
My dad got me a $50 Walmart gift card (for my Birthday). Usually when I get something like that, I spend it on my kids. But since we have been getting them Xmas stuff, and I have been sending child support, I decided to "treat myself". Ask Roxann.. I never get anything for me besides some beer. So I haven't got me nuffin for awhile.
I got a HP Deskjet F2210. It's an "All in one" printer. Copy, scan, print. It was $24.00.. Can you believe that chit? I don't know how they can even do that. Even if they had Chinese slave boys building it, there was still parts.. still computer chips.. ink.. plus "shipping to USA", pay the Walmart staff.. I just don't see how they make money on that.
So I installed the thing. It actually works great! The scans are "perfect", the copies are exact".. I printed a 66 page game guide for the game that I bought with the "rest" of my $50 gift certificate". Besides one Paper jam (which was probably my fault, because I was adding paper to the printer while it was printing).. it worked great!
The game I bought was the "Gold Edition of STARWARS: Empire at war". It had the game, and the Expansion pack". I read all the reviews before I played it. All was "Good". But once I played it.. I knew I'd need a "Strategy guide". I mean.. alot you can sort out on your own.. but sometimes you need a "strategy guide". I don't do that for most games.. but if I pay "20.00" for a game nowadays.. I want to get my use on it.
New Printers.. basically come with a "cum squirt" of ink. So, I think I almost killed the ink supply with this one "game guide". I don't care.. I got a great game.. and a full guide. Plus a new printer... Yes a cheap printer.. but to be honest.. printer tech is great right now. Even the cheap suckers "rock"! *they will do what most of you need". Plus, this printer.. actually has cheaper "ink" refills then most others (we checked before I got it, because usually that's the catch)...
If you need a printer.. I'd recommend this one. Plus the game was cool too...
Gary :)