Lying is no good. Boys will be boys and back in the day we didn't have internet. We had to either sneak a Hustler home or find an older friend to rent us a porno movie. Stroking the salami is natural. Better than him knocking up some girl.
Did you know that weed helps curb the effects of Alzheimer's Disease. That's another argument.
R.I.P. to your friend.
'nuff said.
I agree with you. Legalize it and collect the taxes. It will help with the legalization of hemp(the less potent cousin of weed.) Hemp can be made into clothing, paper, fuel, etc. I smoked weed once upon a time but outgrew that phase. BTW...weed is less addictive than sugar. It doesn't even rate in the top ten addictions. Hell the top three addictive substances are the most legal: Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol.
Brr...I thought I was suffering. Best of luck.
Brr...we are freezing out you know whats off here on the coast. We aren't use to this kind of cold snap. At least in your part of Oregon you are use to this. I say brr again.
I was just a kid when Ozzy and the Crue toured together but didn't stop me from checking it out. 80s rock was the best. I feel for the Oz. He has lost it. His new stuff sounds electronically altered. I prefer to remember him from his early days to No More Tears. His albums after that were not that impressive. Like my opinion their last great album was ...And Justice For All. When they released the black album they went down hill.
Eminem has no talent. He samples his background music like any other rapper. Kid Rock, on the other hand, I will give some credit too. I don't like him because he samples yet he can play drums, guitar, and bass. I prefer music where they do play their own instruments except country music(sorry butterfly but, in my opinion, it screams white trash.)
Yup...Mmm Hmm...Yep...get it, King Of The Hill.
My bro-in-law had a football signed by the entire San Diego Chargers(can't remember what year.) PD's aunt was banging one of them. She also dated Steve Sax when he was with the LA Dodgers(the ##### got around, she enjoyed rich celeb types.) He ended up giving both to his wife's former boss as a gift.
Dude...'nuff said.
Good luck on the sales.
Here's some advice from an old dude: First of all you need to get your life fully straightened out before you bring another one into it. Make sure Kenny is the right one before you marry him. You can't have him going in and out of jail. You are now sober...that was the easy part. The hard part is staying there and with BFs that are in trouble with the law and wanting to get married, that spells disaster. Think about yourself and heal. Then get back to school and get an education. You are only 20 and can wait for the marriage and family. I'm an opinionated old fart and hates to see young kids mess up.