Women! Give them an "inch", and they want the other 8 inches they think you have (even if your lacking that).. Kidding, that was a "pun" (maybe- was a sexual joke)..
I done had "two" ex wife Bioutches screw me over... won't happen again. I know for a fact. The reason.. is... I have this "strange attraction" to "screwed up crazy wenches".. I can tell ya.. if they look "nutso", "Blonde"... shifty eyes... bounce up and down.. and always on the "cell".. yeah, they are "fluccked" up. I suddenly want in their panties..
My last two women I dated are "Roxann" (Michigan) and "Gabriella" (from Florida). I can say honestly.. both are "Great".. I am with Roxann now, but I was with Gab. I actualy think both are so cool... I love them both. Both are super cool.
So what do ya want me to say? I've pretty much kept it the same. I never talked different from how I am.
I want to "stay" with Roxi.. if she don't with me, I move on.. I am kinda dynamic like that..
I have this "major thing" in me.. RIGHT or WRONG.. I always gotta say "AND DO" what I feel"......
Gary :)