It was 1984. I remember it quite well actually. It was the year after I lost my virginity in a lake, it was a year before I would graduate. It was a "party time" to me.
So me and my buddies got tickets to a concert. The concert was at "Cobo Hall" (Deep down in the bad side of Detroit). Four young guys, 2 cases of beer.. a few pints of Whiskey..
We all had long hair, all wear leather.. all had a bag of weed.. We were "READY" for the concert.. Back then, you could get anything in a concert.
We never got busted for nuffin.... we made it...
Anyway, the concert was with "OZZY OSBOURNE" and a relative new band (opening band). The new band was "Motley Crue".. Yep, I seen them from the start (and partied with some of them years later).
To me, that was the second best concert I've ever seen. First of all, Detroit concerts are the "best"! All bands put on a better production there then anywhere. Remember the "KISS" song (Detroit Rock City)...? It is, different there then most places (I know cause I travel alot). First best concert is "IRON MAIDEN" by far.. If you get a chance,, see them! I hear they are on the road again. I've seen dozens of concerts, so I feel qualified to say opinions.
Ozzy and Motley. Both are GREAT! If your a "rocker" you know that. They were then, they are now. To me.. OZZY is timeless. Today, I don't know if he knows the "legend" he is. He may or may not (the dude outdrinks me even). He doesn't seem to know his status. If he does (and faking clueless) he is a genius. Personally, I think he just got to a point he doesn't care. He doesn't pay attention to "popularity", he doesn't try to be anything.. he is just Ozzy. My best guess, is he asks his wife "Sharon" what to do.. and he does. he is still great at anything he does.. but drugs and life wore on him.. he needs guidance. OZZY IS A LEGAND!!! Can't compare to that.. He is just "Him", and is not really trying to do things to "impress".. he is passed that point.
Motley Crue.. they are a "Great band".. but no where near Ozzy really. After 20 years, they still have to "impress" to get people interested. Ozzy could eat "Raisen Bran" and people would want to watch. Both GREAT bands.. but the legend is really OZZY... although he is never sober enough to realize.. lol.
Love the 80's... Sucks to be you.. if you didn't have that experience.. lol..