Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Good Morning ... Scratch Plan A

Good Morning ... Scratch Plan A

It is sunny and cold outside. Warm and optimistic indoors. Let's not forget flexible. And not the type where I wrap myself into a pretzel. The kind of flexible where all my plans for today get thrown out the window. But not

Daughter was supposed to go to school and R and I were supposed to drive out to the Thumb and help my friend with her moving sale. So my daughter is home sick with a sour stomach again today and anything I do will be right here at home.

I'm not complaining. The vegetables are cut up and ready for beans and rice. I just need to put them in the crockpot later. Making and baking cornbread is easy. Dinner is a snap, at least today.

We finished the laundry last night. Just a little bit to put away in drawers. Clean sheets and towels. Plenty of comfort to go along with the comfort food I plan for dinner. Hmm, what's for dessert?

Yada, yada, yada. I know this rambling has to be boring. But think about it. No news is good news. At least in my household it is.

Can you say, "Cabin Fever"? That little girl has to go to school tomorrow! I can stayed holed up in this cave virtually traveling the world only so long before I go stir crazy.

But hey, tomorrow is Friday. TGIF! The weekend. Huh? What difference does that make??? The kid is home today, like she would be on Saturday or Sunday. Oh well.

Perhaps it is time to finish drinking coffee and start the cold water I drink throughout the day. When I drink a lot of caffeine I talk endlessly. Or in this case write and write.

It's the first day of the rest of our lives. Let's kick a** today and make it a really good one.

posted on Dec 11, 2008 7:31 AM ()


It's cold all over! Hope the kid is better by tomorrow! Try the crackers and 7-up routine. If that doesn't work, call the doc and beg for suppositories. She may not feel better, but she'll sleep all day!!
comment by redimpala on Dec 11, 2008 12:15 PM ()
We are actually getting a cold front here on the Oregon Coast. Brrr. Probably not as cold as Michigan but still cold here. In the lower 40s and getting colder by the weekend. I hate cold.
comment by draco on Dec 11, 2008 8:10 AM ()

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