Gee, it's amazing how refreshed you can feel after simply taking a shower. It can awaken your body and your mind.
It has been somewhat of a busy day. I spent the entire day at home with my daughter who was under the weather and didn't go to school. She has had an upset tummy and headache the past couple of days. Dinner was simple but delicious. Baked chicken, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, and salad, with raw spinach leaves for even better nutrition. It was a big chicken so I was able to freeze three cups of cut up meat and set in the fridge two more cups of meat for another recipe.
I have spent a great deal of time on the phone, with family and friends. I was dealing with the present and the future, trying to make wise decisions as to where life would go from here for my daughter and I.
I spoke to my mom this morning and my dad this evening. She seemed in good spirits despite a restless night of sleep with my dad in the hospital. My dad sounded remarkably good considering the beating his body took yesterday under the knife. He had ten to twelve inches of his colon removed, and has one four inch incision and a few smaller ones. The doctor told him that there was one large polyp that they removed and it was hard, possibly indicating that it is precancerous. The test results for the biopsies will come in a few days. My dad still has the tube down his nose into his stomach, is catheterized, and has a small bag for drainage for his largest incision. The pain management has made his quite comfortable but he sounded like his usual self and not drugged up.
I also spoke to my son in the phone tonight and despite me mentioning everything but his band concert tomorrow evening he didn't bring it up. We discussed school and grades, and I could tell he wasn't very happy listening to me in "Mom" mode. I don't know what else he would expect, though. Just because he chooses not to live with his family doesn't mean I will relegate my role as his only living parent. My son is supposed to call me tomorrow and I am curious to see if he will remember to say something about his concert.
In the past few weeks I have had long conversations with one of my friends and where she and I are going to end up in the near future. I think we made good progress after decisions made today. When I have more time I will discuss this further.
This seems like a good place to end this blog. I have another busy day planned for tomorrow and want to get to bed for a decent night's sleep (I hope).