Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Relationships > I Jinxed Myself

I Jinxed Myself

So I guess I was blowing sunshine up somebody's dress writing about sunshine and optimism this morning. Much of that attitude didn't last past noon. Instead of being a kick a** day it has been a suck a** day.

I was served this morning with a summons to court regarding my residence. There is a date and time set for next week. What caught me by surprise was that my landlord never served me the seven day notice. According to the copy included in the paperwork I was served today, he served me on November 22, which he swore to in front of a notary public a couple of days ago. I have no copy of that seven day notice, although I do have a copy of a seven day notice that my landlord served me in June before we made a verbal agreement regarding my rent.

R and I reconciled over the summer and he knew that I would eventually have to undergo surgery to remove my uterus and correct other organs that were prolapsing (read: gravity and heredity was pulling them down). I delayed getting a job so that I would be able to keep my state funded insurance and have the surgery necessary to take of the situation.

If you have any negative feelings or comments coming to mind at this point (because of your views of state funded health insurance), let me inform you of the rest of the story and my need to correct my physical problems. My sister had the same exact surgery as I her first time, to remove her uterus and return her bladder and rectum to their original position. She was scheduled to have bladder and rectum returned back to their original positions a second time, and surgery was to be on a Monday. She didn't have any health insurance. On the Saturday before her scheduled surgery, she was admitted through the emergency room suffering from a serious infection. My sister underwent emergency surgery to remove several inches of her small intestine because it had fallen between her sagging bladder and rectum and parts of the intestine had basically died. She spent a week in the hospital and then several more at home unable to lift more than five pounds and had to abide by other restrictions that made being a stay at home mother impossible without our own mother's help.

I have been a single mother since my daughter was one. Her father is on disability and I am her sole caregiver. My parents and family live five hundred miles away. I consider my friends sisters and my closest family.

So back to my health and living situation. R was well aware of the necessity for him to work enough to pay the bills and rent while I would be unable to work for eight weeks after the surgery. My landlord had made a verbal agreement with me that I could pay less rent for a few months until I was cleared to work and pay full rent once again. Unfortunately, this time came before my eight week doctor visit, but R had a job and was aware that full rent would be due. Because R is in construction, his hours ended but he was ultimately denied unemployment compensation.

The rent bill has added up and we knew that the day would come when it was time to stand before a judge. I have yet to get a job as employment prospects in this area are few and far between. I am overqualified for many jobs because I have a bachelor's degree. R hasn't worked in five days as his job is in snow removal and the minimum necessary to go to work hasn't fallen since last Saturday.

I'm sure you have heard the old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." I gave R a second chance, the opportunity to show his commitment to my daughter and I. When I wasn't able to work and R's hours decreased, he didn't actively apply for other jobs. I have learned the hard way that second chances are not always a good idea.

R and I will go our separate ways. Neither one of us have enough money to pay the rent bill in full, so I will go to court next week to see how long we have until we have to vacate. My daughter and I do have plans where we are going to move. I won't discuss them until things are finalized. I'd hate to jinx myself again.

On a brighter note, my dad has changed rooms because his heart rate went up again, but they stabilized that and he sounded good when I spoke to him tonight. They have removed the tube that went into his stomach through his nose and he was raving about how good water tastes.

To be honest with you, moving is not all bad. I have been here nearly two years and personally just treading water for that period. It is time to move on and move forward. And that is what will happen.

posted on Dec 11, 2008 6:43 PM ()


Good luck with everything, Deb.
comment by turftoe331 on Dec 12, 2008 6:52 AM ()
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Deb
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 12, 2008 6:35 AM ()

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