Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > War / Letters from Iwo Jima

War / Letters from Iwo Jima

I hate "Wars", but I have always been interested in them. I don't know why, but I am kinda "obsessed" with knowing (everything). I have read hundreds of books about wars, watched every movie.. I just like to know "Why they happen", and what is right and wrong.

Now, before you think I am "naieve", I'll let you know I am not. So if you have any comments on this post.. do it in a realistic and adult way.

I was just watching the movie "Letters From Iwo Jima". I have seen it before (awhile ago), and had the same thoughts then. But today I want to put it in a blog.

I LOVED this movie! The main reason.. it's an "American" movie, but has the Japanese thoughts. Much of it is about how how the Japanese felt about the coming invasion of the island of "Iwo Jima" (occupied by them.. invasion from USA).

I liked that it gave their "personal side" from soldiers, of Japan. Not just them, but the "generals" also. Far too often Americans make movies about just "our side" and not theirs.

Honestly.. most likely the dude you are shooting at in a "war", would be your best friend if there wasn't a war (had you met). During war times however, you do support your country.. you do want your kids safe..

I really like that this movie shows "Both sides"!! Wars are sometimes a necessary evil.. but I really believe most want to avoid them.

I support the American troops 100%. Hell.. these are the people I grew up with! But Honestly.. I can sit and drink a beer with most.. and they "Support the USA" (As do I), but won't always agree with our actions. Or rather, the decisions of the current administration. I agree also (with my buddies).. they need to follow the "leaders". It's up to the American people to "change" those leaders, if they are making bad choices.

The BUSH administration made "Horrible" mistakes in my opinion! I'd never tell a friend in the military to go against the superiors. Because.. that like messes all up.. and we lose power as a country. I'll say to any "solider" in the military.. "USE your rights as an American.." Don't like our leader.. change it. Tell your friends, vote.. you know how to do it...

BUSH to me is like "Rambo" on crack. He thinks.. invade everyone, they will back down from the awesome power of the USA. Fuck that.. what a stupid thought! All Bush is doing, is getting more and more countries to go against us. Yes we are the biggest and strongest now, but remember High School.. the biggest bad kid could kick your ass.. but not when he got 50 nerds on his side,, and the HS Principal.. lol. Guess what.. we got the "Nerd" clan on the USA Ass now!! lol.

Diplomacy is the "KEY".. we need to "Talk to these countries". That we've been doing forever, and some (Like dickhead Bush) think it isn't working. It does work!, but needs far more. The USA needs to get our ass to helping "Genocide" victims in Dafur".. Get our ass in "Somolia".. Do some fuckking REAL GOOD in this world, besides just things that have an immediate benefit to us.

IF.. IF!!!!! The USA could somehow, begin to convince the world AGAIN, we was cool )"good", we would have more help from most countries. We would "once again" be looked at highly by the world. That's what BUSH fucked for us, and that's what Barak can change.. if he plays it right. I sure hope he does.... The USA can't be "broken" if we have most countries thinking we "help", not hurt. And I tell you what... I would rather my tax dollars go to a dozen tiny little countries (for food or help).. then start one war.. because nothing is "cooler" then making FRIENDS.. and it all comes back...

Another valid opinion from... COINCUTTER!

gary :)

posted on Dec 2, 2008 7:30 PM ()


Couldn't have said it better. I support the troops but think that they would be better served in the homeland and not overseas.
comment by draco on Dec 3, 2008 2:41 PM ()
I believe that we have to address the needs of the people living here in our own back yard, before we start trying to fix the worlds problems. We have wasted an incredible amount of money, time, and manpower with this conflict in the middle east. We need to establish more programs to help
out our own citizens, instead of giving money to every third world country.
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 3, 2008 6:10 AM ()

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