Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Sicko - Just Watched It

Sicko - Just Watched It

SICKO is the new movie from Michael Moore. He was born in "Flint MI" (so was I), Lived in "Flint MI" (so did I), and makes movies about political things he see's happening... World wide, but he does concentrate alot on the Flint/Detroit area. Where I live and work.

To me he is like a "Hero". He is one person that "tells it like it is", and backs up with proof. If you ever wanna know how I live (my area). this movie will show alot.

The movie is about the "American Healthcare" system. Right now, 46.6 million of us have no healthcare. You Canadian babes, French babes, and other UK peeps got it easy. Go to a doc.. go out FREE. US,, the un-insured (or) under insured Americans are screwed. We don't get chit. A day trip to a hospital can cost thousands (if not 10's of thousands.. and we never recover from the costs). Personally.. I am about 80K in debt, and much of it was healthcare.

Yes, we are the "richest" country in the world. Yes the richest people in this country control the "politics", the media.. like everything. That pretty much means.. the REST work to survive.. and have hardly a say..

Here in this country.. the Average McDonalds worker would have to work 2 other jobs to support a family (in a cheap ass apartment). If he got sick.. well that would suck. Although some of these corporations "pretend" they help employee's with healthcare.. they really don't. What person struggling with minimum wage can afford a 2 or $3000 deductable?

The RICH get richer in America. The poor get poorer. The poor pay taxes, like the rich.. the poor are stabbed. A poor man.. will lose his home if not insured in this country.. for a simple surgery. If they can "take it" they will..

The " working poor" pay higher insurance rates, higher interest rates.. higher everything really.

Watch the movie "SICKO- Michael Moore". If you can't find it online, I'll give my screename and password. Should be required viewing. It's one movie that really tells it like it is!

Take care, Gary

posted on Dec 3, 2008 3:34 PM ()


I generally enjoy Michael Moore and the movie Sicko was a real eye opener for me, as a Canadian. That and falling in love with an American and getting an inside view of what your health care is really like.

It doesn't matter if you're rich or dirt poor in Canada...*everyone* gets the same and *nobody* pays. We are not without our flaws, believe me but things were put into perspective for me after my son came home from a two month stay in the NICU (he was a preemie)and I got a bill for over one hundred thousand dollars because his health card wasn't on file with the hospital. I made one simple call, gave them the number from his card (which I received for free when he was born)and the bill was cleared. I can't imagine living in fear or debt because I or someone I love (like my son) got sick.
comment by janetk on Dec 4, 2008 6:25 AM ()
Here in Oz we have Medicare, that anyone can have, and we pay the medicare levy out of our tax returns. The more you earn the more you pay. So a worker earning 35k a year will pay around $500 and a worker earning 50k a year will pay around $700. Then if you want private insurance and pay the insurers direct you dont pay any medicare levy. People on the dole get given a health care card which entitles them to about a 50% reduction on prescriptions.
comment by misse on Dec 3, 2008 7:41 PM ()
Gary...great movie. I loved the part where he took the people to Cuba. Hell that nation is Communist(and very poor to boot) and they gave the Americans that Michael Moore brought over the best health care for the lowest cost. I don't want to live under a communist dictatorship but I want the same equal healthcare. I love America but I don't like it's politics. I hope Mr. Obama will improve the healthcare situation.
comment by draco on Dec 3, 2008 5:41 PM ()
I am not a fan of Michael Moore, never have been..never will be. But there is something really wrong with our health care system, and it needs to be addressed sooner then later. We have people going across the borders(both Canada & Mexico)for better deals on prescription medication, why the prices of these medications here in the US continue to rise. I have no problem furnishing someone health care who truly needs it, but to those
too lazy to work and stay at home and draw welfare because it's easier then getting a job..well I draw the line there.
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 3, 2008 5:38 PM ()

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