Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > More Advice About Women

More Advice About Women

Women are an "Incredibly" nutso race of beings. That's why I'm here (knowledge).. I done did every "screwup" with women.. I pretty much know how they think. Now, with my experience, and knowledge you'd naturally think I'd be balling half the Playboy mansion. But, in reality.. it doesn't work that way. Several reasons.. One I am not a multi-billionare like Hef. Women can forgive alot of cosmetic details, when they see green (But if they don't see green.., bummer). Two, once I finally figured out how these bioutches are.. I was old and grey headed. Broke ass old farts don't screw playmates.. they become expert masterbators... But that doesn't mean we didn't learn a few things on the way... we did...

So I am here.. to keep you young men from making the mistakes I did! Listen to the advice, of an older man........

1) It all starts and ends the same way. Your first "Lay" will be a fat chick. Your last "Lay" will be a fat chick. When you first get the balls to ask a girl to bed, she'll be huge. Once you did her.. you'll move on (with this new confidence) to thiner things,, as you age (and your age catagory does).. You go back to "big". Now here is the thing.. bigger women are actually better. Don't believe me? Date a few model types and watch them fuck your world up.. the heavy ones just love ya.. and ya know, it's all pink inside.. So if your SMART.. you will really just go for someone you get along with!!

2) Women love lies! Yes, believe it or not, they live for them. DO NOT make the mistake of telling them the truth. If they say "Is my butt fat?" YOU SAY... NO!!!!! Does this dress make me look big?! Say NO.. by all means, even if she looks like a "stuffed tomatoe" lie to her! Your getting laid depends on this chit..

3) Pretend to like her TV shows, her Music... bullshit the "Hell outta her". Comeon, what guy likes "General Hospital".. what dude likes "Trace Adkins". Minus a few queers out there, I doubt most like him. The point is.. women take some "working on".. they really aren't as straight forward as us real men.. Lies are very important!

4) Be the BAD BOY, with the BIG HEART!! Hell yes, this is the "Snow job", that leads to a "Blow job".. I don't know why, but every woman loves a "Bad boy".. so long as she feels "Safe" (Like he is a good boy at heart). You know you.. adjust yourself to get the BJ...

5) Cry at the "movies".. yep, you gotta seal the deal. Take her to any movie. Most all have a love scene. When it happens "Cry"!! But be very discreet. cry, but "PRETEND" you don't want her to see you. Her panties will be soaking "wet", far before you leave the theater.

6) Get her some flowers. Low on cash, drink your beer in a cemetary. Actually, it's pretty calm.. no cops.. and a great place to reflect. Grab a bundle on your way out. They don't need them, and certain most dead guys would understand.

SO ANYWAY... this is just some more advice about women. From ME! I been around a bit kiddies.. I know my chit :)

Gary :)

posted on Nov 30, 2008 11:20 PM ()


1. What is wrong with heavy girls???
2. Men love to cheat & lie!
3. Pretend to like his sports & dirty underwear laying everywhere
4. Men only wants tramps and women with no morals or brains (pretend to be dumb they love that)
5. Tell Your man it's okay for them to be slobs & that you love to clean up after their disgusting selves.
6. Get him a case of beer...hell steal it off are shallow & love the gift of beer!!

LOL That was fun. I don't agree with a damn thing you said LOL. Oh well.
comment by panthurdreams on Dec 1, 2008 4:27 PM ()
Gary, you crack me up, Dude."it's all pink inside"...
comment by janetk on Dec 1, 2008 6:37 AM ()
When it comes right down to it women have very few needs, and this took me a long time to figure out. They need to be held, they don't want their needs(and or concerns)trivialized. They need to know that they are a part of your life, and hold a special place there. They don't always need us hanging around, they need "their quiet time", whether that means time with their bff's or alone. You need to mix humor with heart, love mixed with patience. The beauty of a woman isn't judged by looks alone, it's whats inside that counts..heart, soul, character, and intelligence all go into the mix.
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 1, 2008 6:14 AM ()
My first time was with a hot skinny older chick with big titties. She was 21 and it was my 13th bday. Blew my load right away when she touched her mouth to my dong. Teenagers are inhuman. Got hard again and lasted long enough to make her moan(at 13 I was hung like an elephant.)If you say my last time is with a fat chick I'll kick your ass for calling my wife fat. She's pleasantly plump. She started out hot and skinny but age and comfort fattened us up. I'll admit before her I did some chubby chasing(remember my moped and fat chicks joke.) Great post...keep it up.
comment by draco on Dec 1, 2008 6:14 AM ()
One thing I've learned in my long life,is men 'think' with the wrong head.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Dec 1, 2008 5:03 AM ()
hmmmmmm....I wasn't "fat" my or my hubby's 1st time......I sure hope I'm not "fat" our last! I KNOW he's lying when he says my butt looks "great" & "not fat"! (he knows he's darned if he says this or darned if he doesn't lol!) I don't want him to cry watching a movie, I want him to cry when he reflects on how much he loves me & flowers...yeah, not often, but they're real nice. I don't like "bad" boys. I think they're too much like babysitting a teenager. But maybe, I'm highly abnormal! (I can't sleep, so YOU got "lucky" & I blessed your blog w/my verbage! lol)
comment by dkelly on Dec 1, 2008 1:27 AM ()
PS Dudes.. this IS how women are.. but they will never admit it,, lol
comment by coincutter on Nov 30, 2008 11:32 PM ()

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