Eddie, amigo, you really aren't selling aren't you? This is the best blog site I've found. I don't want anyone else messing it up.
Mr Obama, Please save us. Isn't what's happening completely illegal?
You are destined for better things. Trust me I know.
Get Well
Republican motto: Let the rich stay richer and the poor stay poorer. F**k the middle class. I'm proud to be a democrat. We believe in education, pro choice, the environment, and making sure rich bastiches like big oil and companies that outsource don't get anymore tax breaks.
I will sign it. Even though I'm anti-abortion, I don't think it's my place to tell a woman what to do in regards to abortion. I believe in pro-choice because it's not a matter of abortion. It's a matter of a woman being in control of her body and actions. I don't want The Geezer and The MILF in the White House.
I messed up my knee during football practice in high school. Hasn't been the same ever since. I feel for you.
Good Luck Bro.
Too bad the greed of Wall Street reflects us all. If the Gov't gets involved then it could ripple into us becoming a Socialist society like Cuba and China.
Kids know more about our music than we think. One of my buddy's teenage boys went to a Rush concert during the summer. Plus he actually enjoys vinyl instead of CDs or MP3s. Being a child of the 80s(graduated in 1990)I enjoyed listening to Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, etc on what the youngsters call the "Hair Bands". My pseudo nephews are getting the ultimate Xmas present: Some vinyl I inherited from my uncle when he died. Rush, Led Zep, Stones, Beatles, Foghat, and other really awesome chit. There are kids out there that enjoy the good stuff.
Yo Gary don't drag me into this. I keep my fridge well stocked so I don't run into the sudden downpour(remember I live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains most of the year.) When I get my drink on, I'm down for the night. My lady doesn't need to give me chit. All kidding aside...you are now ready for a beer run on the Oregon Coast. Add 40 to 65 MPH winds and you'll be a god.
You are right...Sarah Palin is hot. Hell I would nail her in a heartbeat. I don't think she has the chops for Veep. Her views would totally mess up the constitution (except for the right to bear arms.)
Nice "Pornstasche" in the pic.I'm just f**king with ya bro.