Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Show - Program

Show - Program

We did the show this weekend at the "Apple Orchard". Sebastian and Roxi was there Saturday, but Sunday Roxi wanted to get dressed "in costume" and go to the "Renissance Festival" (which was near by). Her friend was in town so they went. I was at the "Apple Festival" Saturday and Sunday. We skipped Friday.

We got in like "last minute". The festival was "huge" (rides, maybe 200 crafters). Plus the orchard. I really thought it would be some "rinky dink" thing when I called on it. It wasn't however (well organized). They never asled for out "show fee" when we came in. Hell.. they didn't even say where to set up. The "old dude" just said.. go to the back.. spaces there. Pick what you want. he didn't ask for the money, application.. or anything. Before we left today... (Roxi came and picked me up), I gave her the money and said "Go pay the fee". She did, but they didn't remember we didn't pay. Doubt they even knew we was there.. lol. Old people, getting senile running an "Orchard" all day. Gotta love it. Honestly, we could have got out without paying. They wouldn't know, and wouldn't miss the money (They had 100+ people in line buying there "SEVERELY" overpriced "apples, wine, and just normal food. Hell.. a simple Italian sausage was $6.00... large pop was $3.00. A "peck" of apples was $18.99. Cheapest bottle of wine was $11.99. I just felt everything was WAY overpriced! Whe should of skipped out of payment, but we didn't. I feel I was "ripped" (for sure) on food prices. See RED, I do have a consicience (however ya spell.. lol.).

We made money. It wasn't a great show, nor was it a bad show. had we knew about it before (got in earlier) and a better location we may have done well. I'll keep it in mind for next year.

Leaving the "first day" I was out of "Bees wax" (which I need for a lubricant on coins).. so we had to go into "Flint MI" (wasn't far from US). Well "Carmen schools" (we passed one), is where her kids used to go.. and I actually was in the same district (not school tho) till 5th grade (then I moved away). Well... we passed and there was cops all over the place. We thought something happened in the school. Bomb threat.. something (we didn't know). Found out later "Hillary Clinton" was there" for a speech". She said "She saved the best stop for last".. lol. maybe best for her... (just not a great place to be.. lol) The economy is so bad here you wouldn't believe it. Flint is ranked like (was worst), one of the worst cities in the entire nation. No wonder "Barak, and Hillary" have been making so many stops in Michigan's biggest places. I just wished I knew what was going on. Looked like anyone could go in (I mean no advance tickets or anything) I would have liked to, if I knew.

I always have some time to "just sit" at the booth (doing shows). I mean when I am "cutting coins", I may go nonstop for "10 hours" or more. Or, if I'm kinda tired.. I may spend 4 or 5 hours (before the people really come in) sitting there. I usually "read" during that time. Today I probably got 6 or 7 hours study time. As I said, I am learning Visual Basic 6.0. It's going fast... but today (when I tried to apply what "I thought I knew".. it didn't worked out as planned. Close, but no cigar.. lol. Still.. my progress is going well. I used to program all the time, right now though this is a new language to me, and I am a tad rusty. Still some of what I am doing, is looking pretty good so far.. I plan to release most programs FREE, but I know I can start a few "long term" projects soon (that will be good) that I could charge a mild fee for. I used to to that before (make "sharewhare programs", but I soon found you can't "compete" with multi billion dollar corporations. In other words. You can have "cool", well functioning programs (mine were.. some took 1 to 2 years to create).. but it's still hard to make it financially. I made some money, not alot. I am not doing this for money, it's how I relax (create programs). I will still however, do everything I can to make them "QUALITY"). The first ones I put out.. will be FREE.. quality, but nothing amazing. Again, that's how I learn. I have a few "Big projects" I plan to start (once I feel fluent in Visual Basic 6.0). Ones that I started years ago, but the computers weren't strong enough to handle. Same plans now (as soon as I can), and computers can handle it now. The first big project(I think), will be a "Super fast" Image altering program, multi-media vewing, and picture altering program (one where you can blow up individual pixels, to fine tune.. any image you want). I really want to do this one, and I know about 80% how to do. I already have the design, cause I made one in the early 90's. I used "Direct X" for speed (nobody really does that for applications, but made a whole lot of sex for me. It ran good.. really good actually. It was mostly complete (It could zoom pixels, rotate, flip images.. looked great.. had most every function for altering an image. I made this back in the DOS days, so if you know anything about then.. you'd be amazed how it looked (if you could see it (that is).. lol. I never finished it.. I got into something else.. and well... life and such.. I abandoned it. Now I want to start NEW, with what I know, use what I learned on the "last one", and once I feel a "little" more confident in this new language (to me).. begin work. I already know I can make a multi-media player imbedded (with all functions) I can do most "drawing functions" odd stuff like "blurring, or some of those others you see in programs, I can't yet. I am certain I can make a "picture viewer" (like showing your photo-albumn), but admit I have a few problems yet. Not "displaying, but altering (sizing). Anyway... the goal (plan) is to make an ALL in ONE image altering, picture viewer. I already know what I want to do.. sorting some problems is the thing.

Ok.. I haven't started that project. I can pretty much finish my "sexulator" program at anytime now. I only gotta figure out some (should be simple) stuff. Most all is functional. I know I can finish the "calculator" It's 100% functional, except for the "Memory Buttons" I know I can do that now. Nothing more then "assigning a variable" as a temp, and bringing it back. I believe if I spent a day.. it would be done complete.. with more (better) changes also. That's my problem... often I don't finish.. cause I get going well, then suddenly start a new project.. lol.

Anyway, here is "pic" of my "IMAGEPRO" program that I was making in the 90's. I probably spent at least 5 hours a day on it, sometimes more. I looked all over for better pictures of it. Looks like I never transferred them to this computer. I got them on CD (and Floppy disks) somewhere. This picture, was taken when it was like 1 month in development. I SO wish you could see one of the "later" ones. Where all the major "functions" were in place.

This is an actual program in progress. No buttons of anything showing now. many worked.. but yet to be implemented on the screen (at this point). Here the program would display an image (that's me in the pic), rotate it, even alter it. Before I stopped work on it.. you could take a single "pixel" (which is a simple DOT on the screen, and blow it up huge. That made it so you could alter the most minute detail. Yeah.. it don't look like much there (it wasn't but also was) The pic was the beginning of the most advanced image altering program of it's day. One year later, it was "better" (serious) then anything on the market. I decided not to finish it. Now.. I plan to start "new".. all has to be coded different, but I will have more power (in most ways, some no.. the original was coded with "Direct X, in C++".. anyway, you may not all understand that, but with Visual Basic, there is a ton I can add, that was impossible before.

Sorry to BORE ya, I actually get excited about this stuff!!

Later all, Gary

posted on Sept 28, 2008 7:58 PM ()


Nice "Pornstasche" in the pic.I'm just f**king with ya bro.
comment by draco on Sept 29, 2008 5:09 PM ()
i'm glad you are having fun with your programming. that does sound a little spendy for apples.
love butter
kiss that beautiful baby from auntie butter
comment by butterfly1969 on Sept 29, 2008 11:56 AM ()
I think it's great that your excited. It helps keep that sparkle inside burning that we all need. BTW I love Renissance Festivals..My Hubby goes all the time, and I dig out my fairy wings
comment by elfie33 on Sept 29, 2008 10:58 AM ()
I never said you didn't have a conscience..just your use of it at times is spotty, and yes we all have that problem(me included)
comment by redwolftimes on Sept 29, 2008 7:43 AM ()
Passion is good!
comment by angiedw on Sept 29, 2008 2:14 AM ()

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