Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Can't Shave

Can't Shave

Dammit... I can't shave!

I bought this "electric razor" thingy online about a month ago. I got rid of my other "electric razor" thingy (which was a Japanese piece of crap), because somehow in this "pee - brain" of mine I thought this NEW razor (Which was/is a Chinese piece of crap) would be better. I was WRONG!!

Now, I can't shave for the show this weekend! Well I could, if Roxi would find the "piece" to the new shaver in her car. See, last week.. I was going to a show. Well I am not one to wake early and "groom" for a show. Honestly, I usually go to sleep (the night before a show) in my clothes (otherwise, I sleep naked). The "alarm" goes off a few times (I always hit the -wait longer- button twice at least), I finally wake.. and to the show I go. I am usually awake, and walking around no more then 5 minutes before I am in the car.

So basically, I shave and all that other stuff in the car. Well last week, I went to clean the "razor" head... and one of the shaver things flew out, and on the floorboard of her car. I looked and looked for it. Roxann does "NOT" keep a clean car.. lol. Serious, there is paper, and all sorts of chit down there. Finding this tiny razor head thing, amongst all that, is nearly impossible.

One of these days (and I am fluckking serious about this).. I will break down, and buy an "American made Razor"! Hey, I don't know. Maybe the "slant eyes" can't see well enough to make a "quality" product. Could be that, or could be "assholes" like you and ME buy their crap just because it's cheaper!? Alot cheaper really, they don't have "Unions" or anything like that there. They just see a few kids playing in the street, grab em and make a "workforce" outta them.

Dammit again... I really "can't" afford to buy "American" right now. Maybe when my "Congressmen" stop voting for 30K payraises, making sure they have "health insurance" (when I don't), and give me a little "break".. I'll buy American.. I honestly can't afford "American" stuff right now. Sad but true. Hell, a simple trip to the "doctor" costs a few hundred bones. Let alone if he orders more "tests" or something. Can be in thousands then. True story, and I used to pay it. Now.. I just walk around not knowing if I am "sick" (I mean physically, you all know I'm fucked mentally... lol). Hey.. I just made myself "MAD"... no, not about the stupid "Razor".. about "Health Insurance". I NEED to say this.. if your "One of those" People that feels "America doesn't need universal HEALTH INSURANCE", please keep that to yourself. I've watched far too many suffer, to let you off the hook. You'll be "on the ground, with me pissing in your face. Quicklike even.. lol.

Ok.. sorry about my "rants". I don't know, I just woke early and put on (one of my) favorite songs "ANGRY AGAIN" by Megadeth. Full volume, and in my headphones. Now who says "Music doesn't guide the Masses"????

Laterz all.... Gary :)

posted on Sept 26, 2008 7:07 AM ()


Gary...I agree about health insurance. Watch the documentary SiCKO. There's a part where he tries to take some uninsured Americans to Guantanamo Bay to get the healthcare terrorist scum get(which is 1,000 times better than any veteran gets over here.) Instead these people get turned away and go to the doctors in Cuba. Those Docs help these people at no cost(even tho they aren't Cuban citizens.) Most of these people have serious ailments and can't afford the high paid greedy docs here in the states. I'm not knocking the USA...I'm just saying that we would be in better shape if American doctors weren't greedy bastiches. Hell you live close to Canada. Find a Canadian friend that will let you "borrow" his address and get some free healthcare. That's what a girl did on SiCKO. Sorry for my rant.
comment by draco on Sept 27, 2008 6:54 AM ()
buy american are you sure we have them lol i thought everything we sold was from japan or china. lol
comment by butterfly1969 on Sept 26, 2008 11:18 AM ()
Kristi steals your thunder. What a simple solution!
comment by angiedw on Sept 26, 2008 10:44 AM ()
And you say I am behind the timesThose "slant eyes" you call them are kicking our butts in the field of electronic technology, not to mention in auto production. As for health insurance, I have no grude providing for those who truly need it. But I do draw the line at giving it to people that are too friggin' lazy to go out and work and expect the goverment to support them why they sit at home
comment by redwolftimes on Sept 26, 2008 9:19 AM ()
in the meantime, can ya buy a bic?
also - please find that razor blade! Don't want Sebastian finding it, ya know?
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 26, 2008 7:16 AM ()

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